When Spontaneous Seed Release Impedes Manhood function


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Presentation transcript:

When Spontaneous Seed Release Impedes Manhood function

Early on male seed release is a concern for many men, but another manhood function issue is considerably rarer: spontaneous seed release. As the name implies, spontaneous seed release is a release of seed which occurs without any physical – and sometimes without any mental – stimulation. Since manhood function is part of proper male organ health, understanding spontaneous seed release helps a man know more about caring for his equipment.male organ health

Not nocturnal releases Technically, many instances of nocturnal releases – releasing while sleeping – can be considered a form of spontaneous seed release. If that were to be the case, then spontaneous seed release would not be rare but instead would be quite common among adolescent males. However, when doctors speak of spontaneous seed release, they tend to consider it separate from nocturnal release. Statistics on this issue are hard to come by, but one study found that approximately 1.5% of men experience their first male seed release through spontaneous means. However, there is a dearth of statistics on frequency of spontaneous seed releases later in life. In general, it is felt that the incidence in adulthood is less than 1%. However, it is also acknowledged that many men may experience spontaneous seed release without ever reporting it, especially if it is a one-time or rare occurrence, rather than chronic.

Embarrassing Clearly, incidents of spontaneous seed release can be embarrassing, inconvenient and messy. In many cases, the time between when a man notices that excitement has happened and the time when the release is so quick that he has no time to find a private place in which to release. And in some instances, men report releasing without any kind of excitement, so it is even more of a surprise. It is difficult to anticipate and prepare for.

Causes Because the condition is fairly rare, scientists have not been able to study it as much as they would like – and so pinpointing exact causes is sometimes difficult. In some instances, the cause may be medication-related. Certain medications have an association with spontaneous seed release; such an association does not mean any man who uses these medications will have this problem, but it does make it somewhat more likely to occur. For example, methylphenidate, which is often used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can sometimes cause spontaneous seed releases. At least one case study recounts that reboxetene, a tablet used to treat depression, caused the condition in a man. And several antipsychotic tablets include the issue as a potential side effect.

In addition, a man who is withdrawing from opioid addiction may experience spontaneous seed releases. Often, however, the issue seems to be related more to anxiety and stress. For example, a man feeling extreme stress over a college exam or great anxiety due to an important work presentation may become a victim of this problem. Some people with post-traumatic stress syndrome may also suffer from the condition. Finally, in older men, an enlarged prostate may sometimes produce this result.

Treatment In cases where medication may be an issue, switching tablets can alleviate the problem. If the prostate is the root of the problem, seeing a doctor for advice is recommended. If stress and anxiety are the problem, seeking help from a mental health professional may be helpful. In addition, practicing relaxation and meditation activities, including yoga, might be beneficial.

Manhood function issues like spontaneous seed release worry a man and can make him question his male organ health status. Using a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps ensure a man that he is taking appropriate steps to better his male organ health. Look for a crème that includes a wide range of key vitamins, including vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, a crème with alpha lipoic acid will help to fight free radicals which if left unchecked can create severe damaging oxidative stress.male organ health crème