Public Transportation Committee Meeting September 26, 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Public Transportation Committee Meeting September 26, 2013

Talking Points Service Updates - Limited English Proficiency Plan - All schedules/service brochures in Spanish - Integrated Voice Response System - Implemented August 19, 2013 - Tele-Transit customers receive call reminding them of next day trips and can cancel trips without dispatch - Available in Spanish - Main/Post Bus Route - Detour due to condition of Taft Street - Emmett Township road

Talking Points Service & Facility Updates - Fort Custer/VA Hospital Bus Route - Currently doing study (Corradino Group) for possible service improvements (BCU & businesses) - Dedicated Van Update (since January 1, 2013) - Rolling Hills Trailer Park–average 7 riders per week - Bedford Manor–average 4 riders per week Facilities/Vehicles: - ARRA Grants completed - Facility/equipment upgrades and 4 vehicle replacements moving forward this year (3 different capital grants for total of $393,308)

JARC Service Discussion

Talking Points JARC Service JARC – Federal/State Program Job Access Reverse Commute Approved - By City Commission in 2009 as part of Planning Study recommendations Service Began – October 03, 2011 Three components of service: 1. Beckley Road Express 2. Beckley Road Circulator 3. Night Van Service

Talking Points JARC Service Beckley Road Express: - 15-minute shuttle from the Bus Transfer Station to the Mall and back - Monday – Friday, 9:15 AM to 6:15 PM (first trip to mall – no return downtown) - No service 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM – Lunch - Last trip to Mall 5:15 PM - Fares same as regular service

Talking Points JARC Service Beckley Road Circulator: - 30-minute circulator from the Mall through Harper Creek Village - Monday – Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM - No service 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM – Lunch - Fares – Free

Talking Points JARC Service Night Van Service: - Additional Tele-Transit Van Service to get people to and from work - Monday – Friday, 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM - Priority on this Van is work trips - Fare – Same as Tele-Transit Van

Talking Points JARC Service Statistics (FY2011-FY2012): Yearly Ridership Service Hours Cost Per Hour Estimate Cost JARC Bus Service Express Ridership 18,214 Circulator Ridership 13,885 Hours 4,063 $87.00 (Fully allocated) $353,394 ($176,697 each) JARC Van Ridership 3,263 1,604 $94.00 $150,776 $504,170 Up because of OT & fuel $427,000 Received last year $77,170 Cost to City

Talking Points JARC Service Statistics (FY2012-FY2013 Estimated): Yearly Ridership Service Hours Cost Per Hour Estimate Cost JARC Bus Service Express Ridership 21,847 Circulator Ridership 16,303 Hours 4,070 $87.00 (Fully allocated) $354,090 ($177,045 each) JARC Van Ridership 3,092 1,613 $94.00 $151,622 $505,712 Up because of OT & fuel $427,000 Received last year $78,712 Cost to City

Talking Points JARC Service The Apparent Problem: - Federal JARC funding program, under MAP-21, has been restructured (no dedicated Federal funding for JARC program) - Program previously provided $427,000 (funds received evenly split 1/2 from Federal & 1/2 from State) - This year the State will provide $191,000 for FY2014 (beginning October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014) - This results in $236,000 less money provided by Federal and State - The State projects no funding for FY2015

Talking Points JARC Service Bottom-line: - This year the State will provide $191,000 for FY2014 (beginning October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014) - Express will cost approximately $177,045 to run for FY2014 (beginning October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014) - Circulator will cost approximately $177,045 to run for - Night Van will cost approximately $151,622 to run for - The State projects no funding for FY2015

Talking Points JARC Service Possible Solutions: - Continue service as it exists (fully fund deficit locally) - Re-configure combination of services based on funding level - Re-configure current service to a funding level of $191,000 - If Circulator is kept, charge fare of $1.25 to help off-set cost (however this creates a two-fare trip) - Discontinue all services for FY2014 for preparation of no funding in FY2015 (return $191,000) - With no funding in FY2015, another decision will have to be made

Talking Points JARC Service Staffing Implications: - Transit currently has two open coach operator positions - Elimination of two of the three services would result in no staff reductions (would eliminate the two open positions) - Elimination of all services would result in one layoff

Talking Points JARC Service Timeline: - September 16 through October 16, 2013 – 30-day comment period - October 7, 2013 - Issue media release announcing Public Hearing - October 15, 2013 – Public Hearing - Develop formal recommendations - November 12, 2013 – Go before full Commission for decision - November 25, 2013 – Implement changes if any