The ESS vision, ESSnets and SDMX


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Presentation transcript:

The ESS vision, ESSnets and SDMX Håkan Linden Unit B6, Eurostat

The Commission Communication 404/2009 “On the production method of EU statistics: a vision for the next decade”. The basic ideas of this communication (from 08/2009) are: From statistical stove pipes to more integrated statistical production processes; Better integration of the ESS in terms of IT infrastructure, software, data quality, metadata, methodology etc. (both in terms of horizontal and vertical integration); Increased use of administrative data sources in the statistical data production processes; Statistical legislation should be broader and more cross-cutting in covering larger statistical domains.

The Joint ESS strategy (05/2010) The way forward More harmonisation and standardisation of statistical methodologies for data collection, data validation, dissemination etc. Harmonising the IT infrastructure and sharing IT tools as facilitator of the use of agreed statistical methods; Harmonising metadata (role of metadata in the GSBPM); More emphasis on cross-cutting areas such as data quality statistical methods, methodology, metadata, IT…. Data quality: need for harmonised high-level quality assurance and adaptation of the quality framework;

The Joint ESS strategy (05/2010) The way forward Identify generic processes for producing ESS statistics; Metadata driven IT infrastructure based on SDMX; Some examples: the New Dissemination chain, the ESS Metadata Handler, Vision Infrastructure Projects……. First candidates for integration: broader statistical domains such as business statistics, price statistics, etc. Many actions already launched some years ago or ongoing (e.g. those based on the MEETS program); …………… Overall: the aim is to reduce cost and burden for the whole European Statistical System

The Joint ESS strategy (05/2010) Some tools and instruments New generation of framework regulations related to the standardisation of the statistical business processes (e.g. related to data/metadata exchange, data quality, etc.); but legislation will remain output-oriented; Community financial contribution: ESSnets, grants etc.; Sponsorships, ESSnets, MEETS and other collaboration networks; SDMX as main enabler of this strategy. Don’t forget that: “Statistical domains should be the drivers and owners of the process integration”

The ESS Strategy- the way forward Work areas Actions and actors Quality Harmonisation of quality reporting, quality indicators, etc. Define a high-level and harmonised quality assurance within the ESS Improve the COP Actor: WG/Sponsorship on quality Methodology Design statistical business processes and document them; - Identify and define harmonised and agreed methods for key steps of the statistical business process and use them more broadly; Integrate national and international statistical business processes; Actors: Sponsorship on standardisation, DIME, Working Groups Metadata and classifications Broadly harmonise metadata and implement the metadata standards from end-to-end; Use SDMX for the ESS metadata standards; Actors: DIME, SDMX, Metadata Working Group

The ESS Strategy- the way forward Work areas Actions and actors IT infrastructure Design distributed IT architecture and standards for co-operative development Use SDMX IT Reference Infrastructure more broadly Create common data and metadata warehouses Actors: ITDG, SDMX, Working Groups IT tools Develop and share more IT tools within the ESS (e.g. for data validation) Use SDMX IT tools more broadly Dissemination Work on a harmonisation and integration of data dissemination within the ESS Disseminate data in SDMX-ML Actors: WG, Sponsorship on Communication

SDMX actions SDMX Technical Standards SDMX Statistical Standards Version 2.1 to be adopted by SMDX Secretariat on 28.03.2011. SDMX Statistical Standards Further development of the Content-Oriented Guidelines and their different Annexes (Code lists, …) SDMX IT tools and infrastructure Further development and implementation of the SMDX-RI (using: 12 ESS countries + Mexico; interest: 9 ESS countries + Russia). Census HUB (integrated countries: 11; interest/ work on integration: 13 countries; more information: 7 countries). ESSnets on SDMX: more deliverables

SDMX actions SDMX Governance SDMX Capacity building SDMX communication Weekly SDMX Secretariat meetings SDMX Technical Standards Working Group SDMX Statistical Working Group SDMX Capacity building Training courses (statisticians/ IT staff, IT developers, ESTP courses etc.) Self-learning packages (8 ready; 2 to come) SDMX communication SDMX website more frequently updated (incl. SDMX Tools Repository) SDMX Newsletters SDMX Global Conference (2-4 May 2011)

GSBPM and integration of statistical business processes

The ESSnets ‘A network of several ESS organisations aimed at providing results that will be beneficial to the whole ESS’ Several partners. Results available for non-participating countries. Issues of European interest Compatible with the 5 Year Programme of the ESS Cost-effective (avoid duplication) Knowledge sharing, innovation, harmonisation Sustainability ESS organisations in partnership The ESSnets contribute the horizontal and vertical integration in the European Statistical System

Coverage of an ESSnet action Activities: development of pilot tools for a specific phase of statistical production drafting of guidelines establishment of standards improving data quality testing new methods of gathering or producing information etc.. Substantial methodological and development work to be provided Over a limited period of up to 4 years Not for standard production of statistics Countries outsourcing some specific production processes to only one member do not qualify

ESSnet Country participation 2006-2010

The ESSnet portal

SDMX ESSnet phase I

SDMX ESSnet phase II Kick off meeting 1 April 2011

Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination Tasks: Establishment of a Website for disseminating results Training sessions to non-members Workshops, Handbooks or manuals for implementation Development of methodological and IT tools made available Provision of customised support for implementation Coordination between ESSnets Open source software applications ( Well documented/ described results (in English) Present ideas to ensure inclusion of non-participating MS’s after the end of the project