The National Endowment For The Arts: OUR TOWN Grant Overview and Introduction
The OUR TOWN Grant “OUR TOWN” is a grant offered by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) that funds “creative placemaking” projects. These projects should combine art and culture with community revitalization work, such as public safety, economic development, job growth, infrastructure, and transportation. The goal of “OUR TOWN” is to link local government with community artists to create projects that positively impact downtown Zanesville. There are strict requirements we must meet to be awarded funds
The OUR TOWN Grant Grant funding ranges from $25,000- $200,000 and must be matched 1:1 by the applicant Charitable work/ in-kind donations can be used as match $ There must be a partnership between the City of Zanesville and a nonprofit cultural arts/design group There can be more than two partners, but the two primary partners must be an arts nonprofit and the City of Zanesville
OUR TOWN Zanesville Initial Project Concepts Include: “Pop-Ups” Fill vacant storefronts along Main Street with “pop-up” art studios/galleries Partner with property owners to offer artists reduced rent for space downtown Artists apply via Application for available space Grant funding would act as scholarship to offset rent costs “Secondary Projects” -- Vinyl artwork in storefront windows -- Summer concert series at Zane’s Landing park featuring local artists as well as “streaming” concerts from other places -- Art educational opportunities offered by the Columbus and Zanesville Museums of Art (workshops, classes, etc.)
Process/Next Steps Previously: City staff have held regular meetings to discuss Zanesville’s options for “OUR TOWN” The Zanesville “OUR TOWN” Steering Committee met August 1st to brainstorm project ideas City has issued RFQ for consultants and is actively looking for grant writers
Process/Next Steps Next Up: City staff will form a leadership committee with local artists. Committee will select final project(s) Preparation of Application and Selection of project- Fall 2017 Submission of Application- 2018 TBD