overview Keys to a Successful Briefing Planning Organizing Implementing
characteristics ABCs of Briefing Accuracy Brevity Clarity
Purpose Why are you briefing? To Inform To Advocate
Who? Analyze your audience Background Attitude Rank
Research Answer potential questions Get the facts Use your experience Interview experts Printed materials/internet
Methods Manuscript Memorized Impromptu Prepared
Format Introduction Greeting Intro self/subject Overview Body Main Points Conclusion Summary Closure
Introduction Greeting Good morning/afternoon Ma’am/Sir Introduce self/subject I’m…and I’m going to brief you on… Overview State main points; preview what’s to come
Body Main points Give facts Present support material Incorporate sources Balance between main points
ORGANIZATION Transitions Help flow from one idea to the next Signal audience
Conclusion Summary State topic and main points Do not rebrief or add new information Closure End by stating: “This concludes my briefing. Are there any questions?”
Recap Introduction TELL ‘EM what you’re going to tell them Body Conclusion TELL ‘EM what you told them
IMPLEMENTING Visual Aids Delivery Practice
VISUAL AIDS - Purpose Serve as notes Clarify meaning Enhance retention Keep audience focused Provide direction
Visual aids - Tips Keep simple, clear, and relevant Large enough to be seen Know standard for command/organization Don’t talk to the visual aid or read it Know the equipment
DELIVERY TECHNIQUES Appearance Voice Eye contact and facial expression Movement Gestures Military bearing Notes
APPEARANCE Sets tone for briefing Completely under your control
Voice Three C’s Clearly Correctly Conversationally Variety (rate, pitch, volume) creates interest, motivates
EYE CONTACT & FACIAL EXPRESSION Direct and impartial Establishes credibility and shows interest Receive non-verbal feedback Enhances delivery Use good facial expression, not “dead pan” face
Movement Military briefings are usually given from behind lectern Limited movement Reasonable and purposeful Make a point Add emphasis Don’t over do it *
GESTURES Purposeful Point toward slide for emphasis Keep natural, don’t fidget or shuffle papers Beware of poor timing
MILITARY BEARING Never lose it Limit apology Keep going
NOTES Number your cards Keep information brief Timing cues Watch gestures with cards…
PRACTICE Eliminate stage fright Be prepared and enthusiastic
PRACTICE - strategies Where you will brief With an audience Ask for feedback Don’t rush the beginning Know the intro “cold” Eliminate verbal pauses
summary Keys to a Successful Briefing Planning Organizing Implementing