Communication Etiquette Introduction to Business & Marketing
Objectives Understand general etiquette rules for various communication channels. Distinguish between professional and personal communication. Analyze written emails for professionalism.
Telephone Etiquette
Answering Your Phone Identify yourself! Speak clearly & enunciate your words No eating or chewing Be sure to end all calls
Taking/Leaving A Phone Message Have a current and clear greeting on your voicemail box. Take complete messages & deliver them promptly.
Computer Etiquette
Sharing Computers Keep a tidy work area Respect privacy Log off when you are finished/leave
Email Etiquette a.k.a. “netiquette”
Netiquette Rule #1 Do not mix personal emails with professional emails Email belongs to the organization – it is NOT private
This is not a casual message you would send to a friend! Professional Emails This is not a casual message you would send to a friend! Be very careful with humor Always Proofread! Be extra careful about spelling and grammar Use polite language Be conservative with abbreviations and emoticons
Personal Emails Be careful of spamming! Jokes Email chains Personal opinions Be careful of spamming!
Netiquette Rule #2 DO NOT USE ALL CAPS FOR MESSAGES This comes across as yelling
Netiquette Rule #3 Be courteous of the other person’s time Make your messages short and clear K.I.S.S.
Netiquette Rule #4 Never write something that you wouldn’t want your boss to see Assume that any email could be forwarded at any time
Netiquette Rule #5 Always include a signature Include your contact information ______________ NAME Email address _______________
Sample Emails Review Sample Emails
Other Netiquette Tips… Reply Reply All Subject Line The Message Tone Other Netiquette Tips…
Reply & Reply All Reply only to those who need feedback Use the Reply All button sparingly If you receive misdirected emails, let the sender know
Subject Lines Be descriptive! This may be the only part of your email that the recipient sees Never leave it blank
Use short sentences and short paragraphs The Message Use short sentences and short paragraphs Use bullet lists to break up long passages Be professional! Grammar & Spelling Punctuation Capitalization
Be aware of tone Tone Short responses may indicate anger Sarcasm does not work well without body language indicators
Beware of the emotional reply! Know when to stop! Beware of the emotional reply! Wait a few hours before sending an angry email Know when to choose another communication channel Sometimes the phone is better
Email Assignment Compose and send an e-mail to Ms. VanDyke ( requesting a meeting to discuss a bad grade or schedule a meeting with her! You can choose any assignment, it does not have to be one that you got a low grade on Make sure you have a descriptive subject line Make sure there is an action- request specific date