Physics at a high luminosity -factory F. Bossi, LNF-INFN
KLOE and DANE: the past and the present In the past years the history of DANE and KLOE has been increasingly successful The luminosity delivered by the machine has been increasing almost linearly along years KLOE has proven to be a perfect detector to study a wide variety of physics topics, spanning from charged and neutral K decays, to low-energy hadron spectroscopy, to quantum interferometry measurements KLOE results have become matter of attention and debate in (at least) two different very lively communities: the flavour and the hadron physics communities
In the last 3 months of 2005 ∫L dt > 190 pb1 DANE Performance KLOE monthly acquired luminosity In the last 3 months of 2005 ∫L dt > 190 pb1 pb1/month 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 From 2001-2005 we have acquired ~ 2500 pb1 of data The present FINUDA run confirms that DANE can today routinely deliver ~ 8 pb1/day
The beauty (without Beauty) of DANE The study of KL decays has been the driving force in the design and operation of KLOE. However DANE has proven to be almost without competitors under many other respects. KS decays: 3x108 tagged KS mesons delivered / fb1 No way to obtain the same purity at any hadron machine: some decays can be studied only here. Quantum interferometry KLOE reached the highest sensitivity on QM violating effects decays: 4x107 mesons delivered / fb1 KLOE has already now the largest sample of mesons collected to date.
The KLOE2 project While still producing physics results based on the data acquired so far (many of which you have seen at this Conference) we are preparing for a new data taking with an upgraded detector (KLOE2) at an improved machine able to deliver 510 fb1/year at the peak Physics motivations are strong: an increase in statistics of this order of magnitude would represent a clear step forward in the understanding of many physics topics already studied at KLOE The experience we have acquired along years is quite solid. All of the evaluations about physics potentials that I’ll show, are based on the best Monte Carlo one can imagine: real data
We plan to be ready for a new run sometimes during 2009 KLOE2 at DANE2 We rely on the hypothesis that the new “crab waist” scheme (see P. Raimondi’s talk) will enhance the luminosity of DANE by a considerable factor without increasing backgrounds In the meantime we are working to maintain and upgrade KLOE in order to cope with the new machine design Moreover we are studying some detector upgrades to improve its performance on some specific physics channel. In particular we are planning the insertion of an inner tracker detector to improve on vertex reconstruction and increase acceptance on charged KS, K± and decays We plan to be ready for a new run sometimes during 2009
Physics topics at KLOE-2 At Ecm = M : Tests of discrete symmetries conservation (C, P, CP, CPT) Tests of predictions of Standard Model and NP models Studies on Low Energy QCD Studies on the Nature of Scalar Mesons At 1 < Ecm (GeV) < 2.4 : Determination of hadronic contribution to em Studies of Vector Meson Spectroscopy In the remaining trasparencies i will not discuss the “high energy” option but i will concentrate on the first two points of the list above
CPT and QM tests At this Conference we have had a full session devoted to CPT and QM tests. This because: CPT conservation is a theorem in quantum field theory, thus needs to be extensively tested In this field we have predictions (as qualitative as they can be) of quantum gravity inspired models (see N. Mavromatos’s talk at this Conference) 1fb-1 KLOE has already produced many competitive results on these issues, mostly based on the study of correlated kaon decays (see M. Testa’s talk at this Conference)
Measurement of the EHNS parameters d(a/DG) d(b/DG) d(g/DG) int. lum. (fb-1) At KLOE2 the previous results can be dramatically improved, thanks to the higher statistical sensitivity and the proposed detector upgrades CPLEAR limit Plank scale Present KLOE KLOE with Inner Tracker
Test of discrete symmetries with decays KLOE has published the best limits on two decay channels forbidden by discrete symmetries conservation, based on a statistics of ~ 400 pb1: → (C) <1.6 x 105 at 90% CL (PLB 591, 49) →+ (P,CP) <1.3 x 105 at 90% CL (PLB 606, 276) At KLOE-2, previous limits can be improved by ~ 2 o.o.m. Although existing new physics models allow BR’s only at the level of ~ 1012 1015 , these will become the best limits on C and P symmetries conservation in elementary particle’s decays (see PDG06)
Test of Unitarity of CKM matrix As we have extensively seen at this Conference, the test of unitarity of the first row of CKM is still limited by the theoretical uncertainty on |Vus| (in particular on fK(0)) However recent progress in LQCD let us realistically hope for an evaluation of fK at the 0.1% level KLOE-2 will be able to reach such a precision on all of the experimental inputs required for this determination
En passant we note that it tests also CPT through charge asymmetry KS e decays As an example let me take the measurement of the KS semileptonic branching ratio This is the “golden” decay for KLOE. It has been measured with a ~1.2% precision with 400 pb1 En passant we note that it tests also CPT through charge asymmetry The advantage is that KS lifetime is known already with a precision better than 0.1% thanks to NA48 and KTeV At KLOE-2 BR(KS →e) can be measured at 0.2% level
Test of Lepton Universality The relevance of precisely measuring Ke2 decays in extended LFV SUSY models has been extensively underlined at this Conference DATA A preliminary KLOE analysis has shown that KLOE could aim at reaching a sensitivity of ~ 1% on these transitions (see A. Sibidanov’s talk at this Conference) FIT BKG At KLOE-2 sensitivity will reach ~ 0.3% or better Inner tracker could be beneficial for recovering early decays
Conclusions We plan to start a new data taking campaign with KLOE on the proposed high luminosity DANE, as early as 2009 The physics program is rich and exciting The expertise we have acquired in running both machine and detector is solid We have proposed minimal detector upgrades to improve its performance without modifying its overall architecture Costing profile is kept under control and well whithin the potentials of INFN
f KSKLp+p- p+p- Black hist. : s(Dt)~1tS =>6mm Red hist: s(Dt)~1/4 tS =>1.5mm Blue curve: ideal From now on VDET means: s(Dt)~1/4 tS
• present KLOE • KLOE + VDET -- Planck scale region f KSKLp+p- p+p- : decoherence & CPTV by QG • present KLOE • KLOE + VDET -- Planck scale region int. lum. (fb-1) d(Re w)
Angular asymmetry in →+e+e decays An angular asymmetry between the production planes of the and ee pairs, ACP can be induced by some unconventional CP violating mechanism described by a 4-quark operator of the type TxV In the Standard Model ACP must be < 104 ( or lower, depending on B(→+), see previous slide!) In the models above, it can be as large as 102 ! A measurement based on ~ 104 observed signal events becomes extremely interesting At KLOE-2 one can hope to observe 3-5 x 104 such events!
Inner Tracker: the C-GEM project A new tracking detector, filling the empty zone between the beam pipe and the inner wall of the DC, is required to improve vertex reconstruction, needed especially for interferometry studies and to increase acceptance for several interesting decay channels 10 cm 30 cm 25 cm DC wall Quads Not to scale The proposed detector is based on a novel technology: the cylindrical-GEM, which requires some R&D work to be performed prior the construction of the final detector