2016 NPN Workshop Summaries Alisha Gagliardi
Cultural Humility vs. Cultural Competence What most of us think of Understanding there are multiple cultures Being humble about our culture and accepting of other cultures Knowing you don’t know everything—and that’s okay
Culture (con’t) Take Away Work to identify my own bias Acknowledge that bias must be recognized in order to grow Understand that while I am knowledgeable about my own culture, I can never truly understand another culture.
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Vaping Marijuana New ENDS and Vape tools are being created to blend in with everyday items such as pens, lipstick, highlighters, etc. Homemade THC extraction methods make vaping marijuana extra dangerous High level of middle and high school students using Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in school
ENDS and Vaping Take Away More education to be given to school officials, parents, and community members about these methods and the dangers of butane extraction More training needs to be given to school officials, parents, and community members about the various electronic nicotine delivery systems appearance and dangers, as most think it is harmless.
Using Effective Environmental Strategies to Reduce underage Drinking Presentation completed by SPF-SIG Recipient, New York State Used a variety of environmental strategies to reduce the underage drinking in the state Focused specifically on 9-12 grade students
Environmental Strategies (take Away) A successful working coalition is key to successfully using environmental strategies Don’t give up, no matter how ineffective the method may seem, data can take a while to configure
Substance Use Prevention And Students Part one focused on Athletes vs. Alcohol (Texans Standing Tall) While their coalition focuses on more than alcohol, the presentation was solely on alcohol and the effect it has on student athletes Part two focused on Refuse Remove Reasons, a prevention program aimed at high school youth Focused on many drugs, not just alcohol
Substance use Prevention (Take Away) To reach youth, we must be willing to get on their level Use age appropriate and generation appropriate videos, photos, and other media to reach youth Don’t focus on training and speaking to the youth, but instead reach those who impact youth (coaches, teachers, mentors) and have them train the youth
Bullying and Substance Use among Adolescents Presenters had previously completed a study which finds the correlation between caffeinated energy drink (CEDs) use and bully perpetration and/or victimization Found a direct correlation with CEDs and bullying
Bullying (take away) While we mainly focus on alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opioids, etc. in prevention, caffeine is also a drug which has ill effects on the body and mind besides a stunted growth CEDs are more prominent in those who are victims of bullying.