Livoti Studio 5/2-5-6
Monday 5/2 Aim: What is underpainting and how can it be applied to your Sweet Treats project? Do Now: Explain what transparency means. HW: Choose a new sketchbook assignment from the monthly list- due Friday.
Renaissance Underpainting Leonardo would first create a detailed underpainting in a neutral gray or brown, then apply his colors in transparent glazes on top. Some of the underpainting would show through the layers, subtly helping to create form Underpainting: Applying a black or brown value painting as a first layer to create an image.
Vermeer’s Underpainting- Girl with the Pearl Earring
Black or brown Underpainting The values/shading that are underpainted show through the overlaying color paint (if that paint is transparent too) making the painting look three dimensional without having to mix light and dark colors together.
Only underpaint where the color is changing into a shadow Only underpaint where the color is changing into a shadow! Everything else leave blank Dark shadows/Cool Colors- Use Black Warm Colors- use brown
The finished product! The OVER-painting covers the UNDER-painting. The underpainting helps the artwork look 3D and makes sure you’re applying more layers of paint. It is like a MAP of where all the shadows go. You shouldn’t have to mix darker versions of your colors because the underpainting already tones the color.
Tues 5/3 Aim: How can you continue to create an underpainting of values in your Sweet Treats project? Do Now: Explain why artists will use underpainting techniques. HW: Choose a new sketchbook assignment from the monthly list- due Friday.
Wed 5/4 Aim: How can you create stronger contrasts of light and shadow in your Sweet Treat’s underpainting? Do Now: Recall two techniques for maintaining highlights in your painting HW: Choose a new sketchbook assignment from the monthly list- due Friday.
Thurs 5/5 Aim: How can you begin apply color to your background only Thurs 5/5 Aim: How can you begin apply color to your background only? Do Now: Predict what may happen if you paint over your underpainting with too thick of a coat of paint. HW: Choose a new sketchbook assignment from the monthly list- due Friday.
Friday 5/6 Aim: How can you continue to layer color over your underpainting? Do Now: Recall the design principle that was dominant during the underpainting phase of your project. HW: Choose a new sketchbook assignment from the monthly list- due Friday.