A new TMO is born Nick Reynolds Company Secretary, Roman Way Estate CIC & NFTMO Executive Committee Member
About Us Roman Way Estate is situated in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham in direct proximity of the new QE Hospital Birmingham which is also home to the RCDM and also Birmingham University. The area is considered a desirable place to live. We have 272 properties on the estate: 2 High rise tower blocks (each with 42 flats) 26 Low rise blocks each with 4 flats 96 Houses With a variety of tenure: 158 are council properties 46 are council leaseholders 68 are freehold properties a number of which are rented to students of the University Birmingham City Council is the Local Authority
History of Roman Way Estate 2004 - Appointed Anthony Collins Solicitors (ACS) as s16 Agent 2005 - Roman Way Residents Group (initial platform for Options Study and Pre-Feasibility Study) 2006 - Right to Manage Notice Served on BCC 2006 - Seed corn grant from Burrowes St TMO (as part of Guide Neighbourhood) helped purchase IT Systems, Notice Boards, Bulb Planting Day etc. and helped raise our profile 2007 - Test of Opinion Result & Feasibility Study 2007 - Development Stage (Interviewed a number of s16 agents but retained ACS) 2008 - Registered as a Community Interest Company 2008 - New RTM Regulations- group became a ‘Transition Group’ 2010 - Applied for Stage 3 Assessment
Assessment Underwent a comprehensive Stage 3 Assessment in September 2010 Areas of strength identified by assessor include: Community activity and events; Pragmatism about what the Council is able to deliver (TMO office, allowances); Partnership working and developing positive relationships with all departments of Council, the Police and other agencies (example neighbourhood charter, neighbourhood tasking);
Assessment Then we heard - we had passed!! Willingness and ability to learn (enthusiasm for learning opportunities such as training from different providers, study visits, networking, ‘Guide TMO’ visit, interest in TMO kite mark, feedback at board meetings); Financial management (working within a very limited budget, effective finance sub committee, regular reporting, financial records and monthly bank reconciliations; Comprehensive Business Plan. Then we heard - we had passed!!
Ballot Campaign Concentrated canvassing of area; Used the slogan: Vote yes to resident led, locally based housing services; Negotiations with BCC for an effective ballot campaign, clear roles and responsibilities; 14 day voting period culminating in Ballot count on 31st January at an event attended by residents and stakeholders; And we got it! Residents believe in our vision and we won’t let them down!
Wider Community Issues Neighbourhood Study, funded by TSA in 2008 included all properties on the estate regardless of tenure; One recommendation was to establish a Neighbourhood Charter and a Neighbourhood Tasking Group which is resident led and resident focused; Key partners: West Midlands Police West Midlands Fire Service Local Councillors Ward Support Officer Community Safety Coordinator Hospital Representatives Guild of Students Wardens other partners when/if issues arise can be called upon.
Benefit of Membership of NFTMO Guide TMO’s; Networking Opportunities; Resident to resident learning; Wealth of Knowledge and experience; Support and guidance.
Where are we now: Implementation Stage Working toward a ‘go live’ date of 1st November; About to appoint our Manager (thanks to Bushbury Hill EMB for lending us Karen - her support and advice has been invaluable!); Negotiating a repairs contract/agreement (thanks to Roy and the Bloomsbury Crew for their advice and support); Finalising our MMA; Soon to be allocated an office – we’ve never had one!!
In Summary Has it been easy? No Has it been worth it? We think so! There’s too many people to thank in one slide but to everyone who has helped and supported us in our journey - a massive THANK YOU! Visit us at www.romanwayestate.com call 07507 878 681 or have a chat with us; there’s 4 of us here!