Required Data Files Review


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Presentation transcript:

Required Data Files Review College Credit Plus Required Data Files Review

Data Reporting Requirements College Credit Plus Data Reporting Requirements Student Data File and Alternate Funding Files are due after the 15th day of each term for funding purposes. Student Data File with course outcomes included is due after competition of term. Student Data File and Alternate Funding Files are due after the 15th day of each term for funding purposes. Student Data File with course outcomes included is due after competition of term.

Data Reporting Requirements College Credit Plus Data Reporting Requirements College Readiness Assessment, Demographics files, and Compliance Survey are annual and due at the end of the academic year (AY). Report on all students enrolled during the 2015-16 AY. College Readiness Assessment, Demographics files, and Compliance Survey are annual and due at the end of the academic year (AY). Report on all students enrolled during AY.

Data Definitions The website has the most up to date documentation. College Credit Plus Data Definitions The website has the most up to date documentation. Data Definitions are available here. CCP Program information is available here: Data definitions are available on-line and the program information, along with an FAQ and administrative rules is also available.

Data Reporting Portal College Credit Plus Data Reporting Portal New web portal for reporting data required by CCP for payment and data collection purposes. Complete CCP Data Reporter form to get permissions to the site. User name is your email and password will be generated automatically by the system once your information is entered.

Data Reporting College Credit Plus After you login, you will see the data agreement paragraph. Click ‘I agree’ to the terms.

College Credit Plus Data Reporting On the homepage, you will see the ‘Welcome Message’ which will have important data reminders, announcements, etc. On the homepage, you will see the ‘Welcome Message’ which will have important data reminders, announcements, etc.

Review and Download the Templates College Credit Plus Review and Download the Templates The file Templates are available for download so you can see the variable names in the order that they need to be submitted. You can use these templates as your header row and fill in your data starting in row 2. The file Templates are available for download so you can see the variable names in the order that the need to be submitted. You can use these templates as your header row and fill in your data starting in row 2. The next area is the selection of the file. Please confirm that your Institution Name is correctly displayed. Select the correct file and year/term combination from the drop down list. Use “choose file” to find the location of the file on your machine to upload. I will walk through these steps in the next couple slides.

Download the Templates College Credit Plus Download the Templates Separate files must be prepared for the Student Data and Alternative Funding Information. The file Templates are available for download so you can see the variable names in the order that the need to be submitted. You can use these templates as your header row and fill in your data starting in row 2. Files must be csv format, without quotes around the data values for any fields, including text fields. Commas should not be included in the content of any text field. You can see all of the variables that are needed in each file – the Student Data file and the Alternative Funding file. If the data is optional and you do not have the information, leave the cell blank. For example, the ACT high school code will not be available for middle schools, so this field will be left blank but the header row still needs to be included in the final file. If you do not have separately negotiated agreements with Districts/LEAs/Non-public schools for an alternative credit hour amount and are expecting to be paid the default CCP program amount as specified in Ohio Revised Code, the alternative funding file does not need to be submitted.

Fill and Save the Templates College Credit Plus Fill and Save the Templates Keep the header row and file format as a csv and make sure the data formats match the required type as specified in the layout document. If you are using excel to fill the templates, please remember to keep the leading zeros as required by the data formats. For example, a starting date of August 20, 2015 must be sent as 08152015. In excel, enter the date as a string, starting with a Quote to keep the leading zero. Also the credit hours are in a 4 digit format with 2 implied decimals – for example, 0300. Once the data is entered, make sure to save as a csv file.

College Credit Plus Upload the File Check that your Institution name is displayed correctly Select the year, term, and type of file you are uploading – either student or alternative funding Campus code will populate automatically Select “choose file” to browse to your directory to find the file to upload. Select “Upload” Check that your Institution name is displayed correctly Select the year, term, and type of file you are uploading – either student or alternative funding Campus code will populate automatically Select “choose file” to browse to your directory to find the file to upload. Select “Upload”

College Credit Plus Upload the File If no errors are found, the file will load successfully and you will receive an email. Files submitted without errors will be uploaded and an automatic email will be generated with information including: Year and Term, File submission type, name of submitted file, rows processed, rows inserted, rows update, and rows deleted

College Credit Plus Upload the File If there are errors, the column and issue will be described Select “resubmit” once the corrections are made to re-upload. Remember to reapply string formatting if working in excel to any variable that needs a leading zero that is numeric – like a date. When re-submitting, remember to reapply formatting if the file opens in excel for variables with leading zeros that are numeric (like dates or credit hours).

Compliance Survey The Compliance Survey is a tab on the portal College Credit Plus Compliance Survey The Compliance Survey is a tab on the portal When re-submitting, remember to reapply formatting if the file opens in excel for variables with leading zeros that are numeric (like dates or credit hours).

Compliance Survey There are 6 questions: College Credit Plus Compliance Survey There are 6 questions: When re-submitting, remember to reapply formatting if the file opens in excel for variables with leading zeros that are numeric (like dates or credit hours).

Compliance Survey There are 6 questions: College Credit Plus Compliance Survey There are 6 questions: When re-submitting, remember to reapply formatting if the file opens in excel for variables with leading zeros that are numeric (like dates or credit hours).

College Credit Plus File Processing Files will be processed in the order that they are submitted. Each submission of a data set does not have to include all enrollments/funding details; the files will be combined based on their content. If only one student needs to be updated or removed from the previously reported enrollment for a course, then a file may be submitted with only that single student (and header row) included.

Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch College Credit Plus Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch The columns at the start of each data field list that are marked with “key” in the name are critical to how these data files will be processed when submitted. In combination with the final column (Delete Switch), the Keys determine if a data row is a new student enrollment/funding detail row, a row to be updated, or a row to be deleted.

Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch College Credit Plus Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch Adding a new row - Key values on that row do not match the Key values for any existing, previously submitted row of the same type and the Delete Switch is N Updating a row - Key values on that row do have a match to the Key Values for an existing, previously submitted row of the same file type and the Delete Switch is N, then the row will be updated to match the non-key values on the newly submitted row

Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch College Credit Plus Using the Key Fields and Delete Switch Deleting a row - Key values on that row do match the Key values for any existing, previously submitted row of the same type and the Delete Switch is Y, then the record will be deleted and will no longer be included in any funding calculation.

Final File for Payment District Review College Credit Plus Final File for Payment District Review Districts have 45 days to review and confirm their CCP students Once the rosters are reconciled, a final file will be submitted or a report will be review (still being determined) AFTER the course is completed This final file will be used by ODE to process payment

CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account College Credit Plus CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account In order for your institution to have access to view your CCP student rosters through the secure ODDEX system, you need a Safe account & your organization needs to be entered in the Ohio Educational Directory System. Instructions on how to do that are linked here.

CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account College Credit Plus CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account The next step is assigning the following roles to the appropriate staff members at your institution: An Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS) Organizational Administrator At least one College Credit Plus (CCP) Commenter

CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account College Credit Plus CCP reconciliation through the ODE Safe Account Once the roles are assigned, you can log in to ODDEX: An overview is available here. Use the link for the CCP application.

College Credit Plus Submission Windows

Data Definitions and File Layout Information: College Credit Plus For More Information Program Information: Data Definitions and File Layout Information: