Financial Solvency Review & Financial Reports Free Powerpoint Templates
Part 1. Financial Solvency Review of School Districts Part 2. Review of TEA Financial Reports Available on TEA Website
Financial Solvency Review Texas Education Code (TEC), §39.0822 FINANCIAL SOLVENCY REVIEW REQUIRED. (a) The agency shall develop a review process to anticipate the future financial solvency of each school district. District revenues and expenditures Student-to-staff ratios Rate of change in the unreserved general fund balance Number of students Adopted tax rate Independent audit report Actual financial information for the first quarter
Identifying Districts for Review 4 flags can be set: Student-to-staff ratio Expenditures exceeding revenues Actual expenditures exceed budget Low/declining fund balance
Student-to-Staff Ratios WADA-to-staff ratio and teacher-to-student ratio both used Considered the best leading indicator(s) of financial problems Districts divided into groupings based on number of students
Teaching Staff
Total Staff
AISD Ratio Examples WADA / total staff 101,458.428 / 7,479.36 = 13.56 Enrollment / teachers 84,676/ 5,975.66 = 14.17
Group Averages Under 100 11.71 9.95 8.39 7.13 100 to 249 11.55 9.82 Group (Number of WADA or Enrolled Students) Mean WADA-to-All-Staff Ratio 85% of Mean WADA-to-All-Staff Ratio Mean Enrollment-to-Teacher Ratio 85% of Mean Enrollment-to-Teacher Ratio Under 100 11.71 9.95 8.39 7.13 100 to 249 11.55 9.82 9.48 8.06 250 to 499 11.97 10.18 10.73 9.12 500 to 999 12.35 10.50 11.48 9.76 1,000 to 1,599 11.93 10.14 12.45 10.58 1,600 to 2,999 11.83 10.06 13.52 11.50 3,000 to 4,999 12.05 10.24 14.29 12.15 5,000 to 9,999 12.24 10.40 14.80 12.58 10,000 to 24,999 12.60 10.71 14.88 12.65 25,000 to 49,999 12.75 10.83 15.01 12.76 50,000 and Over 12.99 11.04 15.06 12.80 13.56 Austin better than group average for WADA, slightly under for enrollment to teacher ratio (14.17)– but close definitely not below the 85% threshold
Student-to-Staff Ratios Student-to-staff ratio flag set if ratio — Less than 85% of enrollment group average Declined by more than 7%
General Fund Expenditures Exceeding Revenues Expenditure flag set if expenditures exceed revenues by — More than 6% More than 4% and more than 3% in the prior year
Actual Expenditures Exceed Budget Measures ability to stay within budget Flag set if expenditures exceed budget by — More than 10% More than 6% and more than 4% in year before
Fund Balance An alert for a rapid depletion in the unreserved general fund balance is specifically mentioned in statute. In addition, an alert is triggered for districts with a very low or negative fund balance as these districts are clearly struggling with solvency issues.
Identifying Districts for Review Fund balance most important Districts identified if have — 3 or more flags Fund balance flag + 1 other flag Fund balance less than 1% of expenditures 2010 => 30 Districts / 30 Charters
First-Quarter Expenditure Survey
First-Quarter Expenditure Survey
First-Quarter Expenditure Survey
First-Quarter Expenditure Survey
Review Process TEC, §39.0823 Districts identified as having problems submit — Interim financial reports Staff and student counts
Financial Plan If data confirm problem, district must submit financial plan to agency for approval Accredited warned if: the district fails to submit a plan . The plan is not approved by the agency. the district fails to comply with a plan approved by the agency (4) the agency determines in a subsequent school year that the approved plan for the district is no longer sufficient or is not appropriately implemented.
Accredited–Warned Status If plan not acceptable or not followed, Accredited-Warned status
Questions on financial solvency?
TEA Financial Reports PEIMS financial reports and data downloads Audit (balance sheet report) Summary of Finances (SOF)
School Finance Reports
School Finance Reports
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PEIMS Financial Reports
District Drop-Down
PEIMS Financial Report (Revenues)
New Audit Report (C1 Schedule)
New Audit Report (C1 Schedule) This report has sections for assets, Liabilities and fund balances
Fund Balances
New SOF report – coming soon
Report Selection List
District Selection
Run-ID Selection Each time allotments change new record added , can choose html, excel or pdf for printing
SOF: PDF (Consolidated Report)
SOF: Excel
Cost of Recapture Report
Cost of Recapture Report
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