Extend SAP integration 1
Updating the r3batch with SAP NetWeaver RFC library
SAP no longer supports the classic RFC (Remote Function Calls) SDK or the classic RFC library after the maintenance end of SAP Release 7.10 (March 31, 2016). SAP Integration Certification for solutions integrating via the old RFC library will no longer be possible starting April 2013 and onwards because certifications are valid for 3 years. The r3batch implementation available in the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications uses the SAP Remote Function Calls to allow the integration with the SAP XBP (eXternal interface for Background Processing) SAP ICC recommends the use of more recent tools such as the SAP NetWeaver RFC Library.
To have the SAP R/3 access method work correctly, the customer needs to install the new SAP NetWeaver RFC Library on each agent downloading it from SAP Service Marketplace and copying to the TWS_home\methods directory. The SAP note is 1025361 This solution guarantees: Full SAP Support No impact about the communication protocol between the TDWC and the master - No impact to adopt the new release (compatibility with old agent until to upgrade of the network) Improve of the the overall performances
Add RFC that reports version of SAP transport installed
Add RFC that reports version of SAP transport installed There is currently no way to report the level of SAP transports installed for TWS for SAP. The enhancement adds one RFC that statically returns a version string corresponding to the release that was transported into SAP. A new option is add to the r3batch command: C:\Program Files\IBM\A3\TWS\methods>r3batch.exe -tversion IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications for R/3 R3BATCH for Windows NT/2000 - Unicode version Program patch revision: GA (14:39:22 Jun 24 2014) (C) Copyright IBM Corp 1998,2012 US Government User Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp
EDWA functions on dynamic workstations for managing SAP events Now, from single dynamic workstations you can send SAP events to multiple SAP NW
EDWA functions on dynamic workstations for managing SAP events Now even your TWA dynamic topology can react to SAP Events
EDWA functions on dynamic workstations for managing SAP events
EDWA functions on dynamic workstations for managing SAP events
Next coming: Integration with SAP Solution Manager
External Job Scheduler Business Process Monitoring Solution Manager Enterprise Portal/ Intranet Web Form Job Request External Job Scheduler (TWS) Business Process Monitoring In case that another external job scheduler is used than SAP CPS the customer can still highly benefit from the new SAP Solution Manager applications. You also use the web form to request a job and in the background a corresponding job request (CRM document) is created. Out of the job request you can create a corresponding job documentation. This documentation contains all the information initially maintained in the job request. So no error-prone manual copy & paste steps in-between. From here you would have to copy and paste the scheduling information from the SAP Solution Manager to your respective scheduling tool. This step has to be done also if you use a documentation in Excel or Lotus Notes nowadays. Out of the job documentation you can also configure the background job monitoring as part of the Business Process Monitoring no matter which scheduler is used. In this case the Business Process Monitoring will use its traditional mechanism and pulls data from the respective SAP back-end system. SAP SAP System
Solution Manager In case that another external job scheduler is used than SAP CPS the customer can still highly benefit from the new SAP Solution Manager applications. You also use the web form to request a job and in the background a corresponding job request (CRM document) is created. Out of the job request you can create a corresponding job documentation. This documentation contains all the information initially maintained in the job request. So no error-prone manual copy & paste steps in-between. From here you would have to copy and paste the scheduling information from the SAP Solution Manager to your respective scheduling tool. This step has to be done also if you use a documentation in Excel or Lotus Notes nowadays. Out of the job documentation you can also configure the background job monitoring as part of the Business Process Monitoring no matter which scheduler is used. In this case the Business Process Monitoring will use its traditional mechanism and pulls data from the respective SAP back-end system.