Building Successful Corporate Support and Foundation Funding Programs Jeff Sobel President Jeffrey Sobel Consulting November 12, 2014
About Jeffrey Sobel Consulting Jeffrey Sobel Consulting offers a wide-range of services to non-profits of all sizes. Whether you need help on a short term or long term project we will ensure that our work with you will be well structured, produce beneficial outcomes, and help your organization improve its ability to deliver its mission. We offer services in the following areas: Strategic Planning, Assessment, & Feasibility Studies Capital or Other Special Campaign Projects Development of Planned Giving / Legacy Societies Private Foundations, Corporate Foundations and Government Grants Special Events Board Development Assistance with developing or improving specific Volunteer and Board Committees Organizational Services Strategic Planning and Assessment
Agenda Defining Corporate Funding Defining Foundation Funding Q&A Current Trends in Corporate Funding Building Corporate Funding into your Development Plan Finding Corporate Opportunities Building Corporate Relationships Sponsorships vs. Partnerships Defining Foundation Funding What is a Foundation? Types of Foundations Understanding Today’s Environment for Foundation Dollars Building Foundation Funding into your Development Plan Finding Grant Opportunities Building Foundation Relationships Q&A
Defining Corporate Funding Is an integral part of the identity of most large corporations and many smaller businesses as well. Often called CSR (corporate social responsibility) Consumers make the choice more often to buy from socially responsible companies. Can be a long-term commitment to certain causes and the charities connected to them, or Can be more episodic and market driven, revolving around particular campaigns, events, and projects. Corporate funding can be a good source of support for new initiatives, special programs, and special events. Nonprofits increasingly look for opportunities to form partnerships for sponsorships and cause-related marketing.
Current Trends in Corporate Funding From CECP’s “Giving in Numbers” 59% of companies gave more in 2012 than in 2007, the year before the global recession set in Aggregate giving rose 42% from 2007 to 2012 While direct cash donations dominated at 47% of total giving in 2012, non- cash contributions have been growing at a faster rate of 10% or more in each year since 2008 Education--comprising both K-12 and Higher Education--was the most funded program area for all companies, representing 29% of an average company's giving budget Paid-release-time employee volunteer programs were offered by 70% of companies in 2012, compared to just 53% of companies before the global recession Forty percent of companies expect giving to increase from 2012 to 2013
Building Corporate Funding into Your Development Plan Integrate into your Annual Campaign Strategy Year Round Fundraising vs. Campaign Programs Sponsorship vs. Partnership Research and Prospecting
Sample Budget Chart Revenue Catagories FY13 FY14 Budget FY14 Actual to Date FY14 Adjusted Goals FY15 Projection FY16 Projections FY17 Projections Notes Fundraising Dollars Board Giving $30,200 $30,000 $40,000 This only includes personal gifts Individual Major Gifts (TBD - $5,000) $75,000 Mult-Year Giving Campaign Leadership Circle (TBD - $1,000 to $4,999) $10,000 Individual Donors (TBD - $1 - $999) $73,415 $13,000 $5,000 Appeals - Mail, Email, & Social Media $2,430 $2,500 $3,500 Corporate Sponosrship - Funding $25,762 $28,000 $35,000 Foundation Grants $68,860 $60,000 Capital Campaign Restricted Dollars $18,450 $0 TBD Bequest & Trust $228,500 Sub-Total $219,117 $133,500 $457,000 Spring Gala $165,916 $174,000 $180,000 Fall/Other Fundraisers $6,559 Third Party Events & Activities $172,475 $214,000 $220,000 Total Private Dollars $391,592 $347,500 $677,000 Non-Fundraising Dollars Additional Income $105,142 $119,658 May need to break this out further Government Dollars $49,895 $90,000 $9,000 Donated Services / In-Kind Donations $1,075,248 $1,111,628 $1,030,628 TOTAL GROSS REVENUE $1,466,840 $1,459,128 $1,707,628 Overall Expenses FY14 FY14 Actual FY14 Adjusted Administrative Cost $516,145 $545,407 Development Expenses $5,215 $6,500 $65,000 Special Event Expenses $70,602 $80,000 Marketing Expenses $110,158 $118,522 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,443,155 $1,458,916 $1,517,416 TOTAL NET (Revenue - Expenses) $23,685 $212 $190,212
Building Corporate Relationships Five Steps to Begin Successful Partnerships 1. Understand your own organization 2. Understand the needs and motivation of the other organization 3. Identify common interests 4. Plan the work 5. Agree on roles, tasks, responsibilities
Sponsorships vs. Partnerships Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as part of the publicity for the event. People at corporations sponsor for a lot of reasons. They might sponsor because it's good marketing. They sponsor because it's good for their bottom line. They could sponsor because one of their employees has gotten involved with your nonprofit. They may also sponsor because they're competitive with other corporations. Corporate brand managers have to be sure that your particular event and your particular cause will be of use to them. Partnership: A mutually-beneficial working relationship entered into by organizations in which each partner has needs and brings value
2013 Corporate Leaders Program oijhoifowihgowvgi 2013 Corporate Leaders Program Request and Pledge Form –Corporate Leader Sponsorship The Fund would like to provide special recognition to those Corporate Partners and Supporters that pledge their support for our upcoming campaign in 2013. This group of corporate contributors will have the opportunity to participate in all or a combination of the planned Aging in New York Fund Special Events; Celebrating Our Seniors, A Walk Through Time, the Educational Forum, and other special events throughout the year . Corporate Leaders will receive additional benefits and recognition throughout the year. Special Sponsorship Package and Request for Time Warner Presenting Sponsorship $40,000 Presenting Level Sponsorship of The Senior Educational Forum (Fall, 2013) Sponsorship of Celebrating Seniors: A Walk Though Time ( September 8, 2013) Platinum Level $30,000 Sponsorship of The Senior Educational Forum Presenting Sponsorship of Celebrating Seniors: A Walk Though Time Gold Level $20,000 Sponsorship of Celebrating Seniors: A Walk Though Time Silver Level $10,000 Additional Benefits for All Corporate Leaders Utilize the DFTA Senior Center labels to create a mailing or a sampling for New York Seniors Recognition on the ANYF Links page (Company Logo with Link) Company Logo on the special Corporate Leaders Banner that will be at numerous ANYF events and activities Company Logo as a Corporate Partner on selected ANYF media including: newsletters Annual report _______ Yes, I agree to pledge commitment of $________ in 2013 as an ANYF Corporate Leader at Sponsorship Level ____________________. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print Name: _______________________________________ Title: ____________________________ * To ensure you receive the maximum benefit and recognition for its gift in 2013, please email or fax a signed copy of this form before ________ to Ali Hodin-Baier at Tel: 212.442.1375 or Fax: 212.442.4058.
What is a Foundation? A foundation is a non-governmental entity that is established as a nonprofit corporation or a charitable trust, with a principal purpose of making grants to unrelated organizations, institutions, or individuals for scientific, educational, cultural, religious, or other charitable purposes. This broad definition encompasses two foundation types: private foundations and grantmaking public charities.
Types of Foundations Corporate Foundations are private foundations, but their boards are often made up of corporate officers. Their endowment funds are separate from the corporation and they have their own professional staff. Family Foundations receive endowments from individuals or families. Many large, iconic foundations are family foundations. Think of the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. These family foundations have endowments in the billions, but most family foundations are much smaller, tend to fund locally, and often have little to no professional staff. Community Foundations are public foundations and pool the assets of many donors. They work to improve their local communities through grant-making, awarding scholarships, and providing services to donors. Community Foundations have become very active in providing donor- advised funds for donors who want to become more purposeful in their giving but don't want to set up their own private foundations.
Understanding Today’s Environment for Foundation Dollars Measurement and Metrics Collaboration and Efficiencies Mergers and Consolidation Capacity Building General Operating/Direct Program Support
Finding Grant Opportunities Foundation Google, Bing and Yahoo! Your contacts: Board Members Professional contacts Other Partners’ connections Subscriptions to Grant Finder newsletters
Building Foundation Relationships Start with relationships that make sense and fit your mission Work all avenues Don’t hesitate to call Education and cultivation “No” isn’t necessarly “No”