YOUR INSIDE CAREER CALL where real questions get real answers Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Hosted by: Orlando Haynes, Founder of ‘The Inside Recruiter, LLC’ Janelle Viruet, Founder of ‘Career Dreamers, LLC’
Introduction Orlando Haynes, Founder of The Inside Recruiter LLC, Co-Creator Your Inside Career Call, Author of “Inside Career Tips That All Job Seekers Should Know”, Speaker, with over 13 years of Corporate and Agency Recruiting experience. Successfully coached hundreds of professional job seekers towards interview success. I understand what hiring managers are looking for and know how recruiters think. “Taking you from the job seeker to the sough after“
Introduction Janelle Viruet, MS, CPCC, Founder of Career Dreamers, LLC and Co-Creator Your Inside Career Call. Janelle holds a Bachelors degree is Psychology, Master of Science degree in Counseling, is a Certified Professional Career Coach and Certified Disc Administrator. Janelle has more than 15 years’ combined Human Resources and Workforce Development experience successfully training and coaching hundreds of professionals achieve their career goals. “Find Your Passion, Design Your Career “
Purpose & Overview Career Dreamers, LLC & The Inside Recruiter, LLC joined forces to create a webinar series for professionals who are: Currently in a job search Looking to advance in their career Seeking to make a career change The goal of “Your Inside Career Call” is to create a platform for professionals to get real answers to questions pertaining to your career
Review tonight's topic Open up for Q&A Closing
Ways to stay motivated at work
motivator #1 Do the work you love!
Remind yourself of the impact you can make MOTIVATOR #2 Remind yourself of the impact you can make
motivator #3 Help someone
Change your environment motivator #4 Change your environment
Do what you been putting off motivator #5 Do what you been putting off
motivator #6 Take a break
motivator #7 Change your work
Open for
Thank you for joining us “Your Inside Career Call” Join us next month October 11th, 8:00PM EST