Inspirations, Ingenuity & Inventions Are You an Inventor Too?
Meet Philo Farnsworth Philo Taylor Farnsworth, born August 19, 1906 in Indian Springs, Utah to Lewis Edwin and Serena Bastian Farnsworth
Philo decided that an inventor was a pretty good thing to be. As Philo neared his teenage years he took more and more notice of what were amazing machines in those days: things like the telephone. On one occasion Philo listened in awe; he knew his Aunt was half a state away, yet she talked in his ear as if she were in the same room. This encounter left Philo enthused and full of questions; his father took him aside and explained that the telephone, and other things like light bulbs, were creations of people who dedicated their lives to such innovations, and that they were "inventors." Philo decided that an inventor was a pretty good thing to be. He began looking around and noting all the needs that inventions of various kinds could meet. This way of reacting to many of life’s situations would continue the rest of his life.
Philo discovered a cache of science magazines in the attic of an old farmhouse After a move to Idaho to sharecrop a farm, Philo discovered a cache of science magazines in the attic of the old farmhouse where the family now took up residence - this was like manna from heaven for young Philo. It was in these magazines that Philo read about Philo read of an almost fictional particle which was invisible to the eye; it was nonetheless miraculous: the electron Sending pictures through the air was a fantastic notion. Television started as a pleasant diversion for a dreamer, and grew into an intensifying mental exercise within Philo’s imagination.
Contemplation about such things centered Philo and changed his life. Using a mechanical means for capturing and replaying an image over a distance seemed a bit unrealistic to Philo; however, this electron with its relative freedom from inertia, (and unseen possibilities beyond comprehension,) filled all the necessary requirements for his intense mental consideration. This he did with great energy. Contemplation about such things centered Philo and changed his life, by high school this quest for knowledge would turn Philo into a model student with insatiable needs for insights into the physical nature of all things.
1921 drawn for teacher Justin Tolman (not quite life-size here) Sketch drawn on a notebook page which accompanied Philo's explanation of the image dissector tube (camera tube) to Justin Tolman. 1921 drawn for teacher Justin Tolman (not quite life-size here) Sketch drawn on a notebook page which accompanied Philo's explanation of the image dissector tube (camera tube) to Justin Tolman.
You Can Be An Inventor Too Expectations Important Dates Inventor/ Invention presentation March Shark Tank Judging Monday, April 27, 11:30 Shark Tank- Pitching Tuesday, April 28 11:30 Inventor’s Fair – April 28