How the notebook works
Top of page The Day’s Aim Date
Next: Attendance Record the members present And on time Plus one; each present Minus two; each absent And on time Plus one each; on time Minus one each; late Sample: Everyone good – 8/8 or 6/6 or 10/10 But One absent - 6/8 or 4/6 or 8/10 Or one late - 7/8 or 5/6 or 9/10
Next: Assignment collection If applicable Record the members submitting completed assignment Plus two; each turned in Minus two; each deadbeat
Next: The Day’s Activity (ies) As applicable Record the members taking notes Plus one; each active member Minus one; each deadbeat Record the members contributing in class discussion Clarifying question Offering analysis Critical response Record the members completing worksheet Plus one; each worksheet completed Minus two; each deadbeat Record the members completing problem set Plus one; each set completed
Bottom of the page Add each subtotal Get a daily total