Physical Education Unit Long-Ball Physical Education Unit Mr. Linda
What is Long-Ball A Bat and Ball sport. Uses components of cricket and baseball. Uses the skills of catching, throwing, and batting.
History Developed as a combination of American baseball and English cricket.
How it looks
How it’s Played Offense (Batting team): Use their own pitcher with soft toss. Each batter gets 3 pitches. This includes foul balls. Waiting batters line up single file in batting order several yards behind the batters “halo.” The batter hits the ball anywhere into fair territory. The player will run evasively to the safety line (British Longball), or either base if playing Danish Longball. Once at the base (safety line) the runner can remain during the next batters or choose to run home if they deem their chance of reaching home base safely.
How it’s Played Cont. Offense Cont. In British Longball the runners can only score if they reach homebase. This will alter the defenses strategy in choosing which runners to get out, the runners heading for home or the runners headed to the safety zone. In Danish Longball the runners can score 1 run for reaching either outfield base. They can not score by changing which outfield base they occupy during subsequent batters. The runners can score a second run by reaching home base safely. This will alter the offensive teams base running strategy. The offense gets to make three outs and then they will take the outfield. During this transition the offense is encouraged to sprint to their defensive positions as the offense can bat as soon as the hustle in to their “dugout.” (single file line several yards behind the batters Halo
How it’s Played Cont. Defense (Fielding Team): The defensive team must spread out and cover the entire 180 degree field. When fielding a hit ball by the batter the defense must: Field the ball; catch a fly for an out field a ground ball and attempt to tag any runner throw the ball to a teammate ahead of the runners throw the ball at the runner hitting them at shoulder level or below (no head contact) Fielders must move to back up the throws of their teammates. Upon making the third out the entire defensive team needs to sprint in to their “dugout” and line up in the same batting order.
How it’s Played Cont. General Rules Making outs on defense. Catching a fly; with 1 hand, with 2 hands. Making any caught fly 3 outs automatically. Making a double play. Hitting more than one player during an at bat when players are running. No tagging up on a fly ball being caught with no outs or 1 out.
Critical Elements for Long-Ball. Throwing Grip the ball. Elbow up. Step with opposition. Follow through.
Critical Elements Cont. Catching (Over Shoulder, Below Waist) Pinky’s together Bring ball into the body Catching (above waist) Thumbs and index fingers together creating a diamond. Slow ball into the body.
Critical Elements Cont. Batting Grip (line knuckles up). Athletic stance. Squish the bug. Wrist snap.
Outs Tag Player with dodge ball Catch Fly Ball Beam W/ a Thrown Ball *Throwing the ball to the base ahead of the runner does not get the runner out. Must be tagged, or beamed with ball. *No Standing and talking on defense or removed from unit.
Fitness Baseball/softball games by their nature create a lot of standing around. Runners will discover that there is an emphasis on acceleration and speed. Anaerobic running can be demanding. At the completion of a ½ inning when there is a transition between offense and defense both teams are required to sprint. The defense will be sprinting in to bat while the defense will be sprinting out to their defensive positions. In order to get by-in to hustling between ½ innings it is important to reward winning teams while providing the losing team with extra opportunities to gain fitness. Losing teams can either work on their aerobic base with some continuous running or by working on their anaerobic fitness with some interval running. The 300 yard shuttle is a great motivator! It takes between 1-2 minutes to complete and as one of my assessments I will already have scores on each student.
Safety The most dangerous aspect of baseball/softball is swinging the bat. There is very little skill development necessary, but catching, throwing, and swinging a bat are priorities. A great lead-up is to play several controlled games of 3 fly’s up. Using a batting “T” also will simplify the batting skills by eliminating the visual tracking necessary to hit a moving ball. Batters, Pitchers and remaining teammates need to understand the concept of the “halo” surrounding the batter. Teammates waiting their turn to bat and/or pitch must remain behind the restraining line the teacher chooses to use. If I am fortunate enough to use a football or soccer field, then if the game is using the football goal line as the 3rd/1st base line I will use the end zone line (10 yds back) as the dugout. There is absolutely no contact: either the defensive players obstructing the runner or the offensive players running at or into the defensive players.