Development of an Effective Anaerobic Microorganisms Enhancing the Biogas Quality of Pig Farms in Vietnam Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Hue Industrial College (HueIC) - Vietnam Dr. Tran Hoa Duan
INTRODUCTION Biogas? A main composition of biogas A flammable gas 18% of green house gas Can capture of radiation as 22 times as CO2 Main produced from agricultural activities
Current status of pig feeding in Vietnam INTRODUCTION Current status of pig feeding in Vietnam A dramatical change from small-scale to industrial-scale pig farming within one decade with around 1,6 million of pigs in August, 2017.
Biogas production from pig farms in Vietnam INTRODUCTION Biogas production from pig farms in Vietnam HDPE digestion tanks prevail nearly 100% for industrial-scale pig farms Concrete or composite materials accounted for 99% of biogas tanks for small-scale pig feeding.
Biogas utilization in Vietnam INTRODUCTION Biogas utilization in Vietnam 45% 5% 10% 40% 90% 10%
INTRODUCTION Biogas utilization in Vietnam
Problems of biogas utilization for power generation INTRODUCTION Problems of biogas utilization for power generation Natural biogas production Quality standard for biogas power generator Composition Unit Concentration CH4 % vol 50-65 CO2 45-35 H2O 3-6 H2S ppmV 3000 NH3 500 Methane production after 25 days Composition Unit Concentration CH4 % vol >70 CO2 %vol <30 H2O H2S ppmV <1.000
Extracullular enzymes (Amino acid; Sugars; A.amin) INTRODUCTION Procession of biogas production in anaerobic tanks Extracullular enzymes Producing bacteria Protein, Cellulose Carbohydrates Hydrolysis Fermentation Monomer, Oligomer (Amino acid; Sugars; A.amin) Fermentative bacteria Acid production Acid acetic Acetonogenic bacteria Biogas production Methane Methanogenic acteria (Archaea)
04 groups of anaerobic bacteria AIMS OF PROJECT Isolation of anaerobic bacteria 04 groups of anaerobic bacteria Cellulase, Protease, Lipase, Amylase-producing bacteria Acetogenic bacteria Thiobacillus denitrificans Methanogenic bacteria (Archaea)
RESULTS OF BACTERIAL ISOLATION 7 strains of cellulase-producing bacteria 6 strains of lipase-producing bacteria 4 strains of protease-producing bacteria 10 strains of Methanogenic bacteria 6 strains of acetogenic bacteria 3 strains of Thiobacillus denitrificans
RESULTS OF APPLICATION AEMs TO BIOGAS TANKS Biogas quality in the winter with supplementation of Anaerobic effective microorganisms Biogas quality in the summer with supplementation of Anaerobic effective microorganisms Comp Unit Time for quality analysis of biogas (day) T0 T10 T15 T20 T25 T30 T35 Flow m3/h 33 35 36 39 42 41 CH4 % 56 58 61 65 67 64 CO2 34 31 28 24 H2S ppm 4332 4385 4211 3886 2717 2772 2843 NH3 877 871 778 657 556 544 554 O2 3 2 Comp Unit Time for quality analysis of biogas (day) T0 T10 T15 T20 T25 T30 T35 Flow m3/h 40 41 43 46 51 53 52 CH4 % 60 62 64 68 71 76 70 CO2 30 29 27 22 21 19 23 H2S ppm 7112 6872 5106 3771 1133 987 1099 NH3 >1000 989 776 638 412 570 O2 3 2
RESULTS OF THE BIOGAS FILTER SYSTEM Comp Unit Biogas quality in the winter and summer with use of the filter system Quality standard for biogas power generator Small scale with 30 pigs Small scale with 100 pigs Big scale with 1.200 pigs CH4 % 95-100 > 70 CO2 0% ˂30 H2S ppm 10-50 ˂1000 O2 1-3 - H2O NH3 30-100
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