Nordplus Adult Project No. NPAD – 2014/10153 “The right skills for vocational training in construction industry sector” KAUNAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS SPECIALISTS Start Address: R. Kalantos St. 80, LT Kaunas E-mail Address: Internet website:
Some facts Kaunas Construction School was established in 1986. In 2010 Kaunas Construction School changed its name into Kaunas Vocational Training Centre of Social Services and Construction Business Specialists. In 2012 Kaunas Vocational Training Centre of Social Services and Construction Business Specialists became the Public Institution.
Rehabilitation Vocational Einführung DEPARTMENTS Central Department Practical training workshop Rehabilitation Vocational Training Department
Kaunas Vocational Training Centre of Social Services and Construction Business Specialists There work: 86 Teachers There study: 1739 Students
Kaunas Vocational Training Centre of Social Services and Construction Business Specialists The training is provided according to 94 licensed training programs: Initial education (18) Adult continuing education (59)
Vocational training and education It is provided at: Lower secondary level ( programs last 2 or 3 years ) Upper secondary level ( programs lasts 3 years ) Post-secondary education level ( programs last 1 or 2 years ) Adult continuing education
Specialities that are trained Rehabilitation Vocational Training Department: Decorator Joiner Wicker weaver Light clothing tailor Cook Shoe repair master
Specialities that are trained Central Department: Decorator Masonry and concrete worker Joiner Building restorer Provider of construction business services Building thermal insulation worker Furniture maker Social nurse
Social partners There is carried out the research continually among construction and wood processing companies that are interested in training process of skilled workers. They provide expertise and advice concerning the curricullum development as well as assist in the organization of student’s practical placements.
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities
The Centre is an active participant in regional and international projects
International projects
International projects
International projects
At our Centre you can find: positive attitude of the Headmaster flexible learning conditions up-to-date classrooms and workshop kind, friendly and qualified teachers safe and cosy environment
Thank you for your attention