English Language Learners and Strategies Introduce ourselves include years in education and years in ELL with certs. Talk about who is in the other buildings.
Objectives Who are Ell? Expectations of the classroom teacher and the ELL teachers. Academic verses social language Strategies for the teacher to use Questions and resources maure
Statistics District Demographics 31% Hispanic and 65% white Nikki Mention how many are native born students but are ELL students Some places from where they are from?
Who are the ELL? How are they identified? How they learn? Home Language Surveys Testing (holding, transition) Services (pull in, pull out, co-teach, Rosetta Stone) How they learn? Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing In any order NIKKI TOP MAURE BOTTOM ACCESS Testing in January results in June WIDA Classroom groupings for Academic learning Student who learned Spanish from baby sitter
Expectations ELL Support System Open dialogue between classroom teacher and ELL teacher We are here to help the students learn English (better) and to help you help them learn the content. They are our kids as well. NIKKI Curriculum, testing, ILPs, content from the classroom, USE US!,
Academic vs. Social Academic Language is the school language (science, math, reading…) Social Language is conversations between peers and adults. Students can have mastered Social Language (hallways, recess, lunch room) and be silent in the classroom. MAURE 7 years of schooling from day one to “master” English Language. Silent period could last 3 years – but they are learning! They are sponges and soaking it all in. ChecK GROUP KNOWLEDGE have students on same level (native and non-native)
Classroom Strategies Background Knowledge Kagan. Lack of experiences Different words for same items (couch/sofa) Kagan. interactions to talk/interact with peers Practice, repeated practice, and more practice Grouping with heterogeneous groups Non native buddy NIKKI Interactions – even in Native language. Word sorts and explain how
Kagan MAURE DOES ALL KAGAN Helps with vocab
BacKground Knowledge NIKKI DOES THIS
Trade books Realistic fiction, Trade books, Chapter books Books help students make the connections that they do not have or realize that they have. Places all students on the same playing field of knowledge.
Questions for us? MAURE
Resources Use your ELL Building and district teachers. Best Teaching strategies Websites: Colorin’ Colorado (reading selections by topic) SIOP (30 teaching strategies, lesson plans and ideas) WIDA (research information) TPT Teacher Pay Teachers Pinterest NIKKI
Objectives Who are Ell? Expectations of the classroom teacher and the ELL teachers. Academic verses social language Strategies for the teacher to use Questions and resources MAURE Make sure everything has been gone over/reviewed
Just as a funny Eye candy and closure