European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (INTERREG) Opportunities for Scotland Cross border, transnational and interregional cooperation David Anderson European Structural Funds and State Aid Division Scottish Government Directorate for Economic Development Sam Lucas Interreg Policy/Programmes UK Department for Communities and Local Government
Northern Periphery and Arctic Developed in 1990 as a Community Initiative budget EUR 1 billion covering exclusively cross-border cooperation Extended later to transnational and interregional cooperation with 2014-2020 budget of EUR 10.1 billion 2014-2020 ETC is one of the two goals of Cohesion Policy; Co-operation and investment for Growth and Jobs Scotland involved in 7 programmes: Ireland – NI-Scotland 4 Programmes: Northern Periphery and Arctic North Sea Region North West Europe Atlantic Area Interreg Europe Urbact III
Cross Border
Interregional Networking
2007-2013 Programme: Drawdown 2007-2013 ERDF value (millions) 2007-2013 ERDF value (millions) Non-EU country value (millions) No of projects with Scottish Partners No of projects led by Scottish Partner No of Scottish Organisations benefiting ERDF grant value to Scottish Organisations (millions) Ireland/N Ireland/Scotland X border €192.0 17 4 23 15.35 North Sea Region €138.5 € 9.6 40 6 56 11.60 North West Europe € 334.0 21 1 6.14 Northern Periphery and Arctic € 35.0 €10.0 32 10 8.09 Atlantic Area €104.0 16 2.91 INTERREG Europe €302.0 € 2.7 18 13 2.80 Urbact III € 53.3 € 0.6 8 2 3 0.26 €1,158.8 €22.9 152 22 - €47.15
2014-2020 Programme: Awards to June 2017 2014-2020 ERDF value (millions) Non-EU country value (millions) No of projects with Scottish Partners No of projects led by Scottish Partner No of Scottish Organisations benefiting ERDF grant value to Scottish Organisations (millions) Ireland/N Ireland/Scotland Cross border € 240.0 16 1 15 €22.31 North Sea Region €156.0 € 11.0 12 3 €3.99 North West Europe € 370.0 7 9 €6.13 Northern Periphery and Arctic € 47.0 € 8.0 22 6 20 €5.17 Atlantic Area € 140.0 19 €4.42 INTERREG Europe € 359.0 €1.33 URBACT III € 74.0 2 €0.04 € 1,386.0 € 19.0 85 - €43.39
European Commission has an observer at Committees Member States’(including Scotland as part of UK) Role in Programme Governance Programme Monitoring (MC) and Steering (SC)Committees What do Member States (and Partner States) do on the Committees? Set Programme strategic objectives and investment priorities Appoint Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat Appoint National Contact Points Focus, timing and budget allocation of calls Approve project applications European Commission has an observer at Committees
HM Treasury Guarantee HMT Guarantee: The Chancellor’s August and October 2016 statements guarantee funding for UK partners in EU cooperation projects where funding agreements are in place and these projects continue beyond the UK’s departure from the EU. Scottish Government has confirmed it will pass on the current UK Government guarantees in full to Scottish stakeholders (announced by Mr Mackay on 2 November 2016) to provide stability and certainty for these key sectors of the Scottish economy
ETC (INTERREG) Call Deadline Timetable PROGRAMME CALL DEADLINE DECISION COMMENT Atlantic Area Call 2 Stage 1 TBC TBC Call 2 Stage 2 North Sea Call 3 14 November 2016 - 1 February 2017 June 2017 Full application only Call 4 July 2017 - August 2017 November 2017 Expressions of Interest only Call 5 January 2018 - March 2018 June 2018 Full applications only North West Europe Deadline 24 May 2017 September 2017 Step 1 Call 6 17 November 2017 February 2018 All Step 2 deadlines Communicated directly to successful Step 1 applicants Northern Periphery Preparatory projects On-going Within one month of submission 1 Oct 17 – 28 Feb 2018 Full applications Interreg Europe 1 March - 30 June 2017 October 2017 Full applications 2018 TBC URBACT Transfer Networks Sept to January 2018 Unknown Action Planning Networks 2019
Collaboration and Innovation Event Edinburgh 29 September 2017 Current funding programme opportunities: What can we do now? 2014-20 European Territorial Co-operation (ETC, aka Interreg) Programmes Sam Lucas Head of ETC Programmes, DCLG
Other UK programmes EU-wide: ESPON (€41m) and INTERACT (€39m) €223m €79m €107m €229m €223m €257m EU-wide: ESPON (€41m) and INTERACT (€39m)
State of play Plenty of money available Total budgets of ‘UK’ programmes Total uncommitted funds today Uncommitted for ‘Scottish’ programmes €2.5b €1b + €600m+ Plenty of money available HMT guarantee – projects with contracts will be honoured – leaving the EU is no barrier to participating in ETC projects Contact Points in place to help you
Things to consider if applying… Why do you need ETC funding, what is the international need? What is the (demand-led) market failure? How does you project fit with wider policy at EU, national and/or local level What tangible change will you deliver, what benefits will local people & business enjoy? How will your results be durable, sustainable and used as widely as possible? Are the right people involved? How will you deliver the project successfully, effectively and compliantly?
NCP Contacts Two Seas Channel Ireland-Wales Interreg VA PEACE North West Europe North Sea Atlantic Area Northern Periphery & Arctic Mediterranean SUDOE Interreg Europe URBACT ESPON N/A INTERACT
Scottish Contacts Scottish Government Territorial Programmes Team John Maxwell 0131 244 9497 Rob Gompertz 0131 244 6844 National/Regional Contact points