Prison Health Expert Group Progress and Future activities CSR Meeting Gdansk, Poland 23-24.04.2009
PH EG Meetings February (Vilnius) - Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Canada,WHO,EHRN,Bremen University Arkhangelsk? Or Krakow – end of May, beginning of June Oslo - November
PH EG activities Development of Kiev Declaration on Women in Prisons Project of the Ministry of Justice of Finland in Leningrad Oblast ( Project Proposal from Kaliningrad LHL, FILHA, EG discussions of possible TB and HIV Prevention Programme for NW Russia Meeting with WHO HIPP in Copenhagen HIV/AIDS EG meeting in Canada. 18.03.2009
PH EG activities “Universal access to HIV prevention and care by 2010: can we achieve it in the Baltic States? Riga, 29-30 January. Participation in EU HIV/AIDS Think Tank meetings and in development of EU HIV strategy for 2010-2014 Meetings with Estonian, Belarus and Russian Prison authorities Forum for Comparative Dialogue. Riga, Latvia (Within the framework of Canada-EU cooperation)
Other Planned activities for 2009 Development of project proposals for Belarusian prisons close collaboration with the WHO Health in Prisons Project (HIPP) in supporting NDPHS Partner Countries to address health and health care in prisons Discussions on future role of EG ( possible comments for SWR) and Mid-term goals Contacts with authorities from Portugal Penitentiary system and EMCDDA Development of side event during the PAC meeting in Oslo
Other Planned activities for 2009 The 2-day International Conference ‘Prison Health Protection’, during 29-30 October 2009. focus on blood borne viruses and other communicable diseases “HIV and AIDS in places of detention”- A toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings
General Strategy SCALING UP KNOWELEDGE, SHARING BEST PRACTICES AND “POLICY” TRANSFER between countries . The network of experts and their respective Institutions facilitating such exchange and intercountry collaboration. Focusing more sharply on setting standards, policy and strategy dialogue and technical advise.
Side event on Prison Health Good Prison Health – Better Public Health –Safer Society
Where: Oslo, Norway with side visit of Oslo Prison Side event What: 1,5 day meeting. Protection of prisoners is protection of our communities Where: Oslo, Norway with side visit of Oslo Prison When: 23-24 November, 2009 Who: PH EG, representatives for all EG of NDPHS, MOJ, MOH, EMCDDA, WHO HIPP, UNODC, NGOs
Declaration + background paper Main aims: To raise awareness among the countries within the NDPHS Region of the current situation regarding the health of and healthcare provided in and out of Prison settings To call for marked improvements in the current situation To discuss on transparency of practice and policies – for inmates and the community professionals Aimed for: policy makers politicians governors/chiefs of prisons - senior staff staff involved in practice at prisoner level Next step: Drafting group and consultation group to be established