The Cold War
Important dates to remember from WW2 1939-1945: World War 2 1941-1945: US involvement in WW2 (1933)1943-1945 The Holocaust in Europe 1931: Japan invades Manchuria 1937; Rape of Nanking December 7th, 1941; Japan bombs Pearl Harbor 1945 US drops atom bombs on Japan
Aftermath Germany is completely conquered and is divided up geographically between the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union Nuremberg Trials Japan is utterly destroyed and the United States sets up a provisional government under the administration of General Douglas MacArthur. The Soviet Union and the United States emerge as the two dominant super-powers in the world.
Allied Plans for the Postwar World The WW2 Allies had three meetings to determine what the world would be like after the war. 11/1943- Tehran 2/1945 Yalta 7/1945 Potsdam
Tehran- 1943 At Tehran it was decided that Germany would be split in half between the western Allies and the Soviet Union after the war
Yalta- 2/1945 The Allies tried to agree to free elections in Eastern Europe Agreed that Germany must surrender unconditionally
Potsdam; 7/1945 At this conference, the American president and British PM demanded free elections in Eastern Europe- Stalin refused.
So, When did the Cold War begin? Two Answers based on POV American/Western POV Soviet POV 1918: During the Russian Civil War when the U.S.A. & Great Britain invaded Russia to prevent the Soviet government from keeping power after the Russian Revolution. After 1941 when the Western Allies refused to open a “2nd Front” to relieve them from the Germans. 1945 at Potsdam when Stalin refused to allow for popular sovereignty in formerly German-occupied Eastern-European nations.
Aspects of the Cold War Atomic/Nuclear Arms race (aka the Space Race) The Cold War was “fought” between the USA and the USSR and later, Communist China U.S. Pressure for German re-armament Soviet desire for “Satellites” or, “Buffer zones” Development of The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd “Worlds” Proxy wars between the major powers
Proxy Wars Arab-Israeli Wars: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, & 1982… Korea 1951-1953 Vietnam (1954)1968-1973 Afghanistan 1979-89
Cold War ARMS RACE Space Race Soviets demonstrate their Atom Bomb 1949 Americans demonstrate Hydrogen Bomb 1952 1957 Sputnik MAD “Duck and Cover!” Space Race “Our Germans are better than their Germans”. 1961 Yuri Gagarin, 1963 1st Woman in space, 1965 1st Spacewalk 1969 Neil Armstrong- 1st to walk on the Moon.
1980- The creation of “Solidarity” in Poland Massive shipyard strikes led by Lech Walesa Forced Polish Government to recognize workers’ right to protest. 1983- “Star Wars”- the Strategic Arms Defense Initiative 1985- Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power Glasnost & perestroika 1989- The Berlin Wall falls Hungary becomes the 1st Eastern Bloc nation to open borders to the West 1991- The Soviet Union breaks up