How to Write a Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essential skill: Explicitly assess documents and draw conclusions
What is a Document-Based Question? Read each document Answer each Question with SPECIFIC DETAILS from the document Look up words you do not understand Distinguish between facts and opinions Include statistics & interesting QUOTES
Plantations and Slavery Spread due to Cotton Who invented the cotton gin? Eli Whitney When? 1793 What did the cotton gin do? Cleaned cotton quickly
What were the Effects of Cotton Gin on the Economy? 1 worker could clean 50lbs. cotton/day (vs. 1lb. In past) Cotton became a profitable export crop Plantations wanted more slaves to pick the cotton Plantations moved S & W for long-fiber cotton (FL, AL, MS, TX) More native Americans displaced from their land
The South was a “Cottonocracy” Slavery was solidified as the most important industry in South By 1860, the $ value of America’s slaves was greater than all our nation’s banks, RR, and mfg. “Cottonocracy” – large wealthy planters (1-3%) controlled Southern politics 1/3 of Southern population was enslaved by 1840
Directions (Day 2) 1) After completing all stations, discuss each of the questions: Which historical details, facts, quotes might you use to write a historical piece describing what slavery was like at that time period? Which of the sources were primary sources? Secondary sources? 2) Outline an essay. Use full sentences for thesis, topic sentences, and analysis. For evidence, use key words with specific details, facts, quotes 3) Closure Discussion: What details were most upsetting for you to read? Which details, facts, quotes did you include in your outline? Which primary sources did you find? Optional: Challenge Assignment (if you have extra time)