Confusing Words Review
To, Too, Two
I need to go (1) _______ the store (2)______ get (3)_______ apples (4)___ give (5)____ my teacher; Cara is coming (6)_____.
to - preposition; part of the infinitive form of a verb Ex - Please return the books to the library.
too - adverb; meaning also, more than enough Ex - You are too young for the movie.
ex - You will graduate in two years. two - the sum of one plus one ex - You will graduate in two years.
Than, Then
She arrived earlier (1)____ I did; (2)____ we went to the store.
than - conjunction, used for comparisons ex - He is taller than her.
then - adverb, at that time; next ex - I didn't know you then. We swam for an hour; then we ate.
Their, There, They're
(1) ______ going over (2)_______ to get (3) ______ dress for the dance.
their - possessive of they, belong to them ex - Their apartment has a view of the river.
there - at that place ex - I have not been there in a long time.
they're - contraction of they are ex - They're reading The Help.
Affect, Effect
The (n) _____ of the storm devastated many. The man (v) _____(ed) their lives forever.
affect - verb, to influence, to produce a change affect - verb, to influence, to produce a change. Use it when trying to describe influencing someone or something rather than causing it. ex - How did the sad movie affect you? ex - The weather conditions will affect the number of people who come to the county fair this year.
effect - noun, to accomplish, to bring about the result of something ex - What effect did the rain have on the crops?
It is appropriate to use the word "effect" if one of these words is used immediately before the word: into, on, take, the, any, an, and. ex - The prescribed medication had an effect on the patient's symptoms. ex - In analyzing a situation, it is important to take the concepts of cause and effect into consideration. 3. If you want to describe something that was caused or brought about, the right word to use is effect. Example: The new manager effected some positive changes in the office. (This means that the new manager caused some positive changes to take place in the office.)
Its, It's
____ ok to be confused. The school had ____ colors changed to pink and green.
its - possessive form of it, belonging to it ex - The town had not raised its taxes in years.
it's - the contraction of it is or it has ex - It's cold outside. ex - It's started to snow.
Our, Are
____ you going to the dance? We ______. This is ____ favorite show.
our - shows possession ex - This is our favorite class!
are - 2nd person singular present and 1st, 2nd, 3rd person plural present of be. ex - We are going to have a good school year.
Accept vs Except accept - consent to agree; to come to recognize ex - I accept the punishment. except - not including; other than ex - I bought every shirt except the yellow one.
Your vs You're your - belonging to or associated with any person in general. ex - This is your English class. you're - contraction of you are ex - You're going to love it!
weather - conditions outside ex - the weather is hot! Weather vs Whether weather - conditions outside ex - the weather is hot! whether - conj, indicates alternative or doubt ex - I don't know whether to study.
Witch vs Which witch - associated with Halloween ex - The witch is ugly. which - what particular one ex - Which one is mine?
English vs english English is NEVER lower case. It is a proper noun.
I vs i I is ALWAYS capitalized. It is a proper noun.
NEVER use cause of bc. THIS IS ENGLISH CLASS!!!! Because vs bc vs cause NEVER use cause of bc. THIS IS ENGLISH CLASS!!!!
Ex. I was supposed to receive a higher grade on that assignment. -t vs. -ed The suffix used for a word in the past tense is -ed. I'm not too sure what -t means. Ex. I was supposed to receive a higher grade on that assignment. I was suppost to receive a higher grade on that assignment.
Should of vs. Should've Should've = should have should of = incorrect
Text Language This is a classroom, which is a formal setting. Do not turn in assignments that look like your texts or tweets. Spell out each and every word, using the correct capitalization and punctuation. Ex. I would appreciate if my favorite rapper's prison sentence would expire in a timely fashion. OMG #freeweezy LOL
Book titles are always italicized when typed and underlined when hand written. ex - My favorite book is The Maze Runner.
Short Stories, Poems, and Article Titles are always in quotations "..." Ex - We will read "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe in a few weeks.
Now that we have reviewed do not make these simple mistakes Now that we have reviewed do not make these simple mistakes. Points will be deducted for these simple errors.