Approximately 100 prior enrollees per contractor per program In 2008, Market Decisions interviewed 405 prior adultBasic enrollees and parents or guardians of 801 prior CHIP enrollees while conducting the CHIP & adultBasic Disenrollment Survey Approximately 100 prior enrollees per contractor per program The basic topic areas of the questionnaire were: Verification of disenrollment Reasons for not maintaining enrollment Satisfaction with the program Current insurance coverage Demographics
Satisfaction with CHIP 93% of respondents were very or somewhat satisfied with the program overall 89% were satisfied with their choice of doctors or other healthcare providers 88% were satisfied with CHIP staff For full-cost and low-cost CHIP 87% were satisfied with co-pays for doctor’s visits 80% were satisfied with co-pays for prescription medicine 77% were satisfied with the monthly premium
CHIP Total Aetna AmeriChoice CBC Highmark IBC NEPA Unison UPMC Satisfied Overall 93% 95% 84% 97% 96% 90% 88% The choice of doctors and other health care providers that were available to your child. 89% 78% 81% The assistance provided to you by the CHIP staff. 87% 82% How well you were treated when contacting the CHIP staff. 91% 94% The amount charged for co-pays for doctor's visits? (low-cost and full-cost) 75% 71% 100% 92% The amount charged for co-pays for prescription medicines? (low-cost and full-cost) 80% 50% 65% The amount charged for the monthly premium? (low-cost and full-cost) 77% 64% 56%
Recommending CHIP to Others 87% of CHIP respondents indicated that they were very likely to recommend CHIP to another person 9% said they were somewhat likely to recommend CHIP Overall, 96% gave a favorable response and would recommend CHIP to others
CHIP Reasons for Disenrollment 65% obtained other health insurance 42% said the difficulty of obtaining proof of income was a factor in their decision not to reenroll their child in CHIP
CHIP Reasons for Disenrollment – Perception of income being too high for the program 25% of respondents whose children received Free CHIP said they were no longer eligible because of an increase in income 23% of respondents whose children received low-cost CHIP said that they were no longer eligible because their income was too high 14% of the respondents with children in the full-cost group said that a rise in income made them ineligible
CHIP Disenrollment Reason - Limited availability of healthcare providers 17% of CHIP respondents said they could not find a dentist that accepted CHIP 11% said there were too few doctors accepting CHIP in their area 8% said they did not reenroll because their child’s current doctor did not accept CHIP 5% said they could not find a doctor at all that accepted CHIP
CHIP Disenrollment Reason - Limited health benefits 8% indicated that CHIP health care benefits are too limited 7% said the program does not cover the health care services their child needs Specifically mentioned was lack of: Dental care Diagnostic tests Medical care for an illness or condition Eye care
CHIP Disenrollment Reason - Other general factors 10% said that they did not want to be receiving government assistance 6% said that cost was a factor 6% reported that renewal paper work was too hard 6% cited poor customer service from CHIP staff 5% said that their child has no need for health insurance 4% thought that their doctor treated their child differently because of CHIP enrollment
Table 1. Is ____ a reason why you did not pay the premium or send in the renewal form? CHIP Total Aetna AmeriChoice CBC Highmark IBC NEPA Unison UPMC My child now has coverage through private health insurance. 52% 50% 45% 60% 56% 46% 54% 44% It was too difficult to get proof of income. 42% 21% 40% 39% 47% Our family now makes too much money for my child to qualify for FREE CHIP. 25% 27% 16% 23% 24% 30% My family now makes too much money to be eligible (low-cost and full-cost). 20% 10% 28% 18% 19% I could not find a dentist that accepts CHIP or is too far away. 17% 15% 6% 35% There are too few doctors available in my area that accept CHIP. 11% 9% 22% 5% 8% 12% I don't want to be receiving government assistance. 7% My child now has coverage through Medicaid. 2% My child's current doctor does not accept CHIP. 4% The health care benefits provided by the CHIP program are too limited. 14% The program didn’t provide coverage for health care my child needs. 3%
Table 1. Is ____ a reason why you did not pay the premium or send in the renewal form? (Continued) CHIP Total Aetna AmeriChoice CBC Highmark IBC NEPA Unison UPMC The renewal paperwork was too hard to fill out. 6% 4% 5% 9% 11% 2% The CHIP program costs too much. 7% 3% I received poor customer service from the CHIP staff. 8% I could not find a doctor that accepts CHIP. 12% 1% 13% My child does not really need health insurance. 10% I was concerned about the quality of care my child was receiving while covered by CHIP. Because my child's health insurance was provided through CHIP, doctors treated my child differently.
Satisfaction with the adultBasic Program 91% said they were very or somewhat satisfied with adultBasic overall 93% were satisfied with the monthly premium 91% were satisfied with the co-pays for doctors visits 91% were satisfied with the choice of doctors and other health care providers 87% were satisfied with the adultBasic staff assistance 86% were satisfied with how well they were treated while contacting adultBasic staff
adultBasic Total Highmark IBC NEPA Unison Satisfied Overall 91% 95% 87% 93% 88% With the amount charged for the monthly premium? 89% 98% With the amount charged for co-pays for doctor's visits? 85% 92% The choice of doctors and other health care providers that were available to you. 76% The assistance provided to you by the adultBasic staff. 86% 78% How well you were treated when contacting the adultBasic staff.
Recommending adultBasic to Others Overall, 94% indicated that they would recommend adultBasic 81% very likely 13% somewhat likely
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment 55% obtained coverage through other means 31% said they had difficulty obtaining proof of income 22% said they were no longer eligible because their income was too high
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment – Cost issues 14% said that cost was an issue for not reenrolling in adultBasic Of the 14%, 48% said that the monthly premium of $35 for adultBasic was too expensive Of the 14%, 41% said that the cost of the monthly premiums and co-pays for services were too high
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment – Benefit issues 14% said that limited health benefits were a factor in not reenrolling in adultBasic 13% said that adultBasic did not provide coverage for services they needed Specifically mentioned was the lack of: Dental care Coverage of prescription medications Eye care
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment – Provider issues 11% said there were too few doctors in their area that accepted adultBasic 8% said that their current doctor did not accept adultBasic 5% said they could not find a doctor in their area at all that accepted adultBasic
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment – Quality and customer service 6% of respondents said that quality of care was a concern 6% listed issues with adultBasic staff customer service 4% mentioned difficulties with the renewal process 3% thought they were treated differently by a health care provider because they were enrolled in adultBasic In appears that quality concerns were relatively minor….but there’s always room for improvement
adultBasic Reasons for Disenrollment – Other factors 9% said they now have coverage through Medicaid 9% said they did not want to be receiving government assistance 5% indicated that they did not need health insurance
Table 4. Is ____ a reason why you did not pay the premium or send in the renewal form? adultBasic Total Highmark IBC NEPA Unison I now have coverage through private health insurance. 38% 44% 30% 41% 37% It was too difficult to get proof of income. 31% 28% 25% 34% I now make too much money to be eligible. 22% 15% 24% 29% The adultBasic program costs too much. 14% 10% 23% 3% adultBasic benefits are too limited. 9% 8% 17% The program did not provide coverage for health care services I need. 13% 18% 11% There are too few doctors available in my area that accept adultBasic. 4% 12% I now have coverage through Medicaid or Healthy Horizons. 5% I don't want to be receiving government assistance. 7% My current doctor does not accept adultBasic. I received poor customer service from the adultBasic staff. 6% I was concerned about the quality of care I was receiving while covered by adultBasic. I do not really need health insurance. 2% I could not find a doctor that accepts adultBasic. 1% 19% The renewal paperwork was too hard to fill out. Because my health insurance was provided through adultBasic, doctors treated me differently.