© The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing. Table 4. Results of the most common problems due to which web projects fail 1 Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 Strongly agree Client Dissatisfaction 10% 14% 54% 12% Lack of requirement analysis 8% 4% 66% Security problems 6% 16% 52% Lack of testing 2% 18% 26% 50% Project not completed before deadline 22% 56% Poor scripting and documentation 20% 38% Manish Gubhaju et al. Analyse the Risks of Ad Hoc Programming in Web Development and Develop a Metrics of Appropriate Tools. American Journal of Information Systems, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, 9-20. doi:10.12691/ajis-1-1-2 © The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing.