African Americans African Americans participated in the war since the very first battle at Lexington. Crispus Attucks
The End of Slavery A number of Northern States begin to make laws to end slavery. Pennsylvania was the first to gradually end slavery by not allowing residents to purchase new slaves.
Civilian Hardships Inflation Shortages of everything. Subject to military attack. Loyalist v. Patriot struggle
Lives of Women Had to take over extra responsibility at home on the farm. Women often took over businesses and trades. Some women accompanied their men in battle. Usually served as Nurses, Cooks, helped with laundry etc.
Deborah Sampson and Mary Ludwig Hayes “Molly Pitcher”
Native Americans Americans hoped for the Native Americans to stay neutral. Americans offered payments to Indians that did not get involved in the war. Most Indians groups sided with the British. They believed that an American victory would lead to more settlers.
George Rogers Clark Older brother of William Clark Lewis and Clark’s expedition Attacked forts of Cahokia, Kaskakia and Vincennes. Midwinter Attack Strengthened American Claim to the Ohio Valley Older George Clark Young George Clark
Clark’s mid-winter Attack on Vincennes
John Paul Jones First American Naval Hero Commanded the American Ship The Bonhomme Richard Defeated the British ship Serapis off the coast of England. “I have not yet Begun to fight”
John Paul Jones
Privateers Privateers were armed civilian ships that had their governments permission to attack enemy ships (usually cargo ships)and keep their goods. Legal pirates. Britain needed to divert its navy and attention to protecting it’s merchant ships.