Evaluation synthesis and food security Howard White and Gavin Stewart CEO, Campbell Collaboration and co-Chair of proposed Campbell Food Security Group @campbellreviews @HowardNWhite
The global food security challenge Science 327, 812 (2010);
Solutions Enhanced productivity Smart consumption Yields Nutritional content (biofortification) Smart consumption Avoid waste Cook and eat more smartly
Is there any evidence on food waste in Africa and other developing regions? And what policies are effective in reducing waste?
Eating smartly
But how to promote smart eating? People aren’t eating fruit and vegetables anyway Public health messaging doesn’t work People slow to adopt changes in benefits not readily apparent Dietary preferences are sticky Need to bring about culture shift e.g. sugar as the new tobacco Need evidence of what works
Increasing yields and nutritional content
The funnel of attrition Why projects fail The funnel of attrition Far fewer people, know about, participate in, and benefit from projects than project planners expect (and they don’t seem to learn!)
The funnel of attrition Only these people may experience improved outcomes
Factors in the funnel for biofortified crops 1: adoption Lack of awareness Risk averse: Don’t suit local ecological conditions / Varieties not drought resistant Need to buy inputs (extra costs not offset by extra revenue) and what will happen to price / availability More demanding crop management No market (see consumption slide)
Factors in the funnel for biofortified crops 2: consumption No or poor marketing channels Dietary preferences are sticky (colour, taste, texture etc.) Don’t know how to prepare
Factors in the funnel for biofortified crops 3: technical Mineral content of crops Zinc in wheat, maize and rice: in Africa prevalence zinc deficiency around 50%, increases risk diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria. But by how much does application zinc to crops increase their zinc content? Bioavailability of minerals Any what is bio-availability of zinc in fortified crops (ranges 0.2-0.6) Affected by storage and preparation
This evidence needs to be sifted to help produce country specific guidelines on what crops and production practices to promote and how to best do it, and best practice on promoting good dietary habits. Campbell is starting a Food Security Group and welcomes the participation of ICED and others in achieving this goal
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