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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Event

Compassion in Practice NHS England launched a refreshed approach for nurses, midwives and care staff called Compassion in Practice It is based on the 6Cs. The 6Cs are the values and behaviours that capture and show what excellent nursing care is all about. We do this every day, we need to shout about it. People who use our NHS services need to know we care. As health care professionals we all have our own reasons for doing what we do. Different drivers for ambition, success and to keep getting out of bed each day. We want to share with you, what being a student care maker has meant to us and how important the philosophy and underpinning values are.

How did it start? Legacy of the Olympics and Paralympics Giving something back and building on the spirit of the games One thing everyone remembers about the Olympic Games 2012 is the Games Makers – the people who gave their time, as volunteers to ensure the games happened.   And let’s face it, without the Game Makers, 70’000 people, our London 2012 games wouldn't have happened. So what made the Games Makers so special? How did they stand out from the rest? They became a defining and distinctive image of the London Olympic and Paralympic games; by capturing the hearts and minds of the world. When you consider the enormity of their job, how they occupied 860 different roles, across 80 different venues, and worked eight million hours for free through collective goodwill, it’s no surprise the impact and legacy they have left us with. There was a real family and together feeling amongst those who volunteered. In it together to a positive end. They really cared and wanted to do their job well. There was something magical about what they achieved, we are harnessing the commitment and passion from the Games Makers through our Care Maker programme.

Care Makers are born Pause on slide for a second and move straight to next slide

What is the Care Makers role? They champion Compassion in Practice They are person centred and patient focussed care They are an ambassador for the 6Cs They support their colleagues They are the voice of patients and service users They are involved in creating a positive movement for the Care Maker programme Care Makers were born! In essence Care Makers are here to support compassion in practice, to bring a positive stance to our NHS, to help gain back the trust of our service users and patients. Rose is going to share with you her story, how her student nurse Care Maker journey has unfolded.

What Care Makers say "I've had a fantastic year it's like a magic wand being waved in our organisation, it has put the excitement back in nursing #patientcare“ Lisa Reith “Being a Care Maker has offered me many opportunities. Our role is primarily to promote the 6Cs and I think the Care Makers passion and enthusiasm accurately promotes this, we embody the vision and continue to inspire others to do so.“ Oluwafemi Faniku It is great to see the Care Makers growing in confidence and the impact that the role has had on them personally, professionally and in improving care. As one care maker says “I've had a fantastic year it's like a magic wand being waved in our organisation, it has put the excitement back in nursing”

Care Makers Commitment To help patients stay independent To provide a positive experience of care for all To be an ambassador for 6Cs and compassionate care To build and strengthen leadership To campaign for the right staff with the right skills in the right place To support a positive staff experience Having courage Part of being a Care Maker is to be committed, to stay committed and to encourage others through their courage and compassionate practice.

What do the 6Cs mean to you? ***Play video – with sound***

Impact Care Makers help to influence direct patient care through championing the 6Cs, they act as a support network across England, connecting like-minded people within the care sector. Its important for student nurses to embrace this, its something we do every day on placement, compassion in practice is so important to our patients. Care Makers are helping to transform the NHS culture by embedding the values and behaviours set out in the 6Cs They support trusts and care facilities to drive the standards of care up. We have captured there stories and the changes they have made on the Care Makers Hub website, and share them via social media.

In 12 months over 400 examples of putting 6Cs in to practice Impact In 12 months over 400 examples of putting 6Cs in to practice Care Makers have started to drive improvements in their workplace and university. In 2013 a group of Care Makers were lucky enough to be invited to the Council of Deans annual meeting. We were able to share our stories, examples of the work and the impact Care makers are having in their universities, and this prompted a number of Dean’s to rethink and look again at their curriculum for health studies. We have seen a shift in the way training is delivered, and how the 6Cs have played a huge part in driving these changes. Something we are very proud of as I’m sure you will be. Some Care Makers have presented to Boards in their organisation and had the 6Cs adopted as part of the organisational development plans, others have shared the 6Cs across their teams/units or wider and made small changes that are impacting services and outcomes for patients and service users. Some have written articles for publication, others have worked with their local universities to ensure the 6Cs are embedded in the curriculum as you will see from some of the student testimonies next….

Where are we now 1700 I’m pleased to say we now have over 1400 Care Makers and about 300 applications. Interest in the programme grew so much from the start when we were recruiting student nurses and newly qualified staff, it was decided to open up to include all levels of nursing and care support staff. We now have a wide range from nursing assistants to finance director and a chief executive.

The concept grows Its your chance to get involved, help build a positive future for all students in our health care sector and help to drive standards up for our patients and service user.

Compassion in Practice Awards The Compassion in Practice team is delighted to announce its first inaugural Compassion in Practice Awards. Award categories an organisation which promotes independence, maximises wellbeing and improves health outcomes an organisation that has improved experiences of care by embedding Compassion in Practice into its ways of working a team which delivers high quality measurable care a leader that puts Compassion in Practice into action a team which has the right staff, with right skills in the right place a team that puts Compassion in Practice in its ways of working patient inspired behavioural change www.nhsemployers.org CiPAwards@NHSEmployers.org @NHSE_Deborah #NHSCiPAwards Closing Date : 25.09.2014 Nominate themselves, team, organisation. Patient testimonies – all information on the website

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