Understanding and analyzing Style Analyzing style can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be with just a few reminders of what to look for Try “deconstructing” the text, that is, pick it apart to identify and analyze its individual parts/features to see what’s there and being employed by the author and the effect it creates
Step 1: Consider the following: Form Audience Purpose By analyzing the form/structure of a piece often tells you what kind of text you’re dealing with (script, poem, article, etc.) By analyzing who the target audience is you can make connections with word choice, diction, and syntax. By analyzing the purpose, you get an understanding of the context out of which the writer is writing and what they are truly trying to communicate to the reader.
Step 2: Consider the following features of textual construction: Diction—choices of vocabulary/lexis Figures of speech—such as metaphor, simile, personification, climax, antithesis, or contrast Structure or cohesion—how the piece fits together Syntax—the types of phrases and sentence construction Sound effects—alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhetorical devices, etc. Tone—persuasive, angry, playful, sad, reflective, etc.
Step 3: Consider features of presentation: Pictures Font Layout But the focus should be on the language and how linguistic choices “position” the reader/audience as a consumer.
On your own… Using the travel advertisement from Seven Seas Voyager Cruises, analyze the text for elements of style. Use the Guide to Textual Analysis and the notes you just took (STEPS 1-3) to help you “DECONSTRUCT” the text. Then discuss your findings with a partner.
Let’s take it a step further: Now that you have deconstructed the text and analyzed its “Style,” complete the following activity with a partner: (tape record your conversation using a smart device with recording capability for a future activity on Speech Transcription) *Using the information in the advertisement text, write a short script for a two-voice radio advertisement for the same cruise. Try to capture the same “style” as the original in your script adaptation.*
What’s the diff? With your partner, make notes on the similarities/differences between the original text and your script, bearing in mind the change of mode and format. Arrange your notes on a Venn Diagram. advertisement script
Culminating assignment: Using any notes, Venn Diagram, and both original text and script, write a compare/contrast essay discussing what changed/stayed the same in terms of style between the two texts and how that alters the overall effect of the piece. Turn in with the following: a. Annotated Travel Ad b. Script c. Venn Diagram