Six Flags Read To Succeed Kindernews Mrs. Walk –February 6-10 Peek-at-the-Week Math SIGHT WORDS – big, little WORD FAMILY - -ot SCIENCE-We will be practicing writing letters to friends and family in honor of Valentine’s Day! We will talk about the different parts of a friendly letter. We will talk about the meaning of Valentine’s Day and get our Valentine bags ready for our class party. This week we will also be discussing opposites. The students will come up with words that are opposites and will even make an “Opposite Book”. WEDNESDAY is library day! This week in math we will be practicing counting and measuring. The students will count and represent quantities to 20. We will revisit measuring as we find out how long different body parts are. Books We will be reading various Valentine books this week. We will be talking about friends and families and what makes them special. Special Class Monday – PE Tuesday - Art Wednesday – Music Thursday -- PE Friday – Art Reminders Six Flags Read To Succeed February 8 – Early Dismissal February 14 – Valentine Party February 20 – No School! Just a reminder that these papers are due February 17. It usually takes Six Flags awhile to send the certificates to me once I turn in the names. I will not be able to send them home until April or May Birthdays February 1 - Saanvi February 4 – Ella February 23 - Nicholas We have 20 students in our class