Wideband kickers Mechanical design and Fabrication Eric Montesinos, Sébastien Calvo on behalf of all teams involved eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva
Outlook Resources and Timeline Strip Line Kickers Slot Line kicker Conclusion Strip Line Kickers Slot Line kicker eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 3/25
Resources and Timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Débora Aguilera Strip Line kicker EM simulations Mechanical Design 1 Prototype Fabrication 1 Prototype Installation SPS 2 + 1 Series Fabrication 2 Series Installation in SPS 1 Spare in Lab Sébastien, Jean, Jarmo, Débora, and the two first Strip Line Kickers installed in the SPS eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 4/25
Resources and Timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Débora Aguilera Irene Alonso Strip Line kicker Slot Line Slot Line kicker Preliminary studies EM simulations Mechanical Design Prototype for lab measurements (atmospheric) Prototype for lab measurements (vacuum) 1 + 1 Series Fabrication 1 Installation in SPS during YETS 2017-2018 1 spare in Lab eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 5/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation Alignment system Pumping port shielding Specific bellow Kickers Kickers Standard bellow Vacuum pipe at the size of the future Slot line Kicker Alignment system Supporting system eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 6/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation Feedthroughs (Kovar) Body (Stainless Steel) Electrodes (Cu OFE) Strip Line Kicker eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 7/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation: Feedthroughs Five suppliers were contacted Kyocera SST MDC vacuum products Neyco SCT It took more than ten months to receive, test and qualify the feedthroughs Temperature test Temperature shock test (water bath & heat gun) Traction and compression test Vacuum leak test Only Kyocera was qualified 7/16 DIN connector (preferred) Offers were rejected by the companies due to an inability to reach the initial requirements 50 Ω 0 – 1 GHz 5 kW DN 40 CF flange Conical shape Final diameter 5 mm eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 8/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation: Feedthroughs eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 9/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation: Electrodes Specific shape provided by simulations Copper OFE for high thermal conductivity Machined from a massive copper block due to the complex shape Conical shape of the feedthrough, smooth transition to avoid sharp edge at the point where the feedthrough joins the electrode Cu OFE electrode eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 10/25
Tooling system for electro polishing Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation: Body All in one machined, including two vacuum chamber flanges and four feedthrough ports 316LN 3D forged stainless steel for good vacuum knives Vacuum leak tested (less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l / s) Electro polishing to improve inner surface finish (including tooling) Strip Line kicker Body Tooling system for electro polishing eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 11/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation The two strip line kickers installed in the SPS 12/25
Strip Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation: conclusion Many processes have been qualified, that will all be useful for the next slot line kickers Isolated and universal regardless the orientation supports Specific supporting system to allow individual alignment, with one parallel support, two intermediate supports, two adaptors and three feet Body machined such that a Taylor Hobson sphere can be adapted to allow an easy positioning of the kickers (position of electrodes in reference to Taylor Hobson spheres) RF wire test, including the construction of all the necessary tooling Peripheral items constructed, pumping port shielding, bellows, enamelled flanges, vacuum chambers,… Qualification processes conducted, metrology, cleaning, outgassing analysis, vacuum leak detection, residual gas analysis, aperture and impedance simulations (horizontal/vertical) eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 13/25
Slot Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 14/25
Slot Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation 90º step transition We did several initial studies including 90º step transition Lateral feedthroughs 90º tapered transition (preferred one from mechanical point of view) 90º tapered transition Lateral feedthroughs eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 15/25
Slot Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation Feedthroughs (Copper) Top cover (316 Ln) Electrode (Cu OFE) Spacers (Shapal®) Body (316 Ln) SPS vacuum DN159 flange Supporting system Weight 367 kg Length 1422 mm eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 16/25
Slot Line Kickers, Mechanical design, Fabrication & Installation The kicker was designed with One body two half shells EBW two SPS flanges TIG welded Two vacuum seals Two covers Two electrodes 2 x four Shapal® spacers Four feedthroughs Sketch of the slot line kicker eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 17/25
Slot Line Kickers, Body The body was found very difficult to be built in one single item We decided to built it by two half shells It includes vacuum CF knife and RF contact For those reasons it will be made in Stainless Steal 316 Ln The two half Shells will be EBW (mock-ups under construction to prove the feasibility, internal roughness induced by EBW, tilt over a length of 1.5 meter !) Two half shells with openings eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 18/25
Slot Line Kickers, Body Outgassing holes along the RF contact The body was found very difficult to be built in one single item We decided to built it by two half shells It includes vacuum CF knife and RF contact For those reasons it will be made in Stainless Steal 316 Ln The two half Shells will be EBW (mock-ups under construction to prove the feasibility, internal roughness induced by EBW, tilt over a length of 1.5 meter !) RF contact and CF knife EBW fully penetrant for internal roughness test eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 19/25
Slot Line Kickers, Body EBW body and CF flanges With the EBW body, we will add two standard SPS vacuum flanges Those will be TIG welded from the internal surface by hands (too complex geometry for an automated EBW) We also designed a copper seal, it is laser cut from a copper sheet Fully welded body and Copper seal RF contact and CF knife + copper seal eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 20/25
Slot Line Kickers, Covers, Feedthroughs We designed the covers as we designed the body, with CF knife Toon Roggen did thermal simulations that showed the feedthroughs must extract quite some heat https://cds.cern.ch/record/2214967?ln=en The feedthroughs are the ones we designed for the strip line kicker, except the inner line that is in plain copper to help removing the heat load (six feedthroughs were already delivered to cern and were vacuum leak tested) Two covers Thermal simulation of the feedthroughs, left in stainless steel, too hot, middle in copper, ok, right sketch of the feedthrough eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 21/25
Slot Line Kickers, Electrodes Cu OFE electrode The electrode will be machined from a massive piece of Cu OFE There will be four Shapal® spacers that will ensure two functions Mechanical positioning of the electrode Thermal bridge to the cover Shapal® spacers eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 22/25
Slot Line Kickers, Electrodes Taking into account the experience with the strip line kicker a supporting system that also allows alignment has been designed On request, it could easily be isolated by simple foil of Kapton® Due to the weight of the overall system (367 kg) a specific transport tool is also under study Supporting system eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 23/25
Slot Line Kickers, next steps 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Slot Line Slot Line kicker Preliminary studies EM simulations Mechanical Design Prototype for lab measurements (atmospheric) Prototype for lab measurements (vacuum) 1 + 1 Series Fabrication 1 Installation in SPS during YETS 2017-2018 1 spare in Lab eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 24/25
Conclusion: on track eric.montesinos@cern.ch, LIU-SPS Wideband Feedback Review, 20-21 September 2016, CERN, Geneva 25/25