Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies Keywords: syllabus, module outline Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Module outline Teaching calendar Assessment Reading Lecture plan Plan Module outline Teaching calendar Assessment Reading Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Module Outline Plan This module introduces the fundamental concepts of Information Technologies in various business disciplines, demonstrates their value to a modern society and provides students with practical skills of computer literacy to suit their needs (used in later courses and in their career). Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Learning Outcomes Plan After completing this module the student should be able to: To understand major aspects of modern information technologies and their application in different spheres; To produce a written piece of work using a word processing package; To produce a simple spreadsheet to process basic data; To produce electronic presentation for personal or professional needs; To describe the concept of internet and its infrastructure; To create simple web page using text editor and appropriate software; To evaluate site designs and structures. Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Indicative Syllabus Plan Word processing: advanced text editing, automatic content page generation, work with tables, paragraphs, images. Spreadsheets: create tables using appropriate cell formats; format a table using conditional formatting tools; use formulas and built-in MS Excel functions; analyse data using simple and advanced filter options, subtotals; create different graphs and charts; prepare a table to be printed out. Power Point Presentations: create a presentation using appropriate software (e.g. MS Power Point); insert chart, images, and sound as necessary; create an animation; customise slide design and make a template. History, Infrastructure and Concept of Internet and WWW, E-commerce Building web pages from scratch: creating web pages using text editors, exploring HTML5 abilities, styling and layout. Web Design: create web sites using WYSIWYG editors. Security issues: introduction to basic security threats and counter-measures. Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Teaching Calendar Plan Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Teaching Week (TW) Lecture topic Tutorial topic Online seminar topic TW 1 Introduction Group task: terminology mind map Online discussion. Homework: create 2 entries for glossary at Moodle TW 2 Internet infrastructure CW1 task set Group task: compare 2 ISPs in Uzbekistan (tariffs, other services provided for individuals), select the best one and justify the choice Split into groups for CW1, select website. Homework: discuss Dial-up, ADSL, FTTB, 3G, WiMAX and other technologies for Internet access. TW 3 Web Design Website analysis: good and bad practices Homework: write list of recommendations for CW1 website Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Teaching Calendar Plan Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Teaching Week (TW) Lecture topic Tutorial topic Online seminar topic TW 4 E-commerce basics MS Word: format a file describing different e-commerce models (paragraph & heading formatting, navigation pane & table of contents, headers and footers, working with tables, comments & track changes) Q&A related to MS Word. Homework: format Word file for CW1 TW 5 Dark side of the WWW. Threats and security issues MS Excel: practice on spreadsheet with data about malware (entering data, simple formatting, using formulas, sort/filter data, conditional formatting, header and footer) Explore more Excel functions. Homework: gather data for CW1 spreadsheet TW 6 Information systems MS PowerPoint introduction. Group task: prepare presentation about 1 type of IS Q&A related to CW1 Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Teaching Calendar Plan Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Teaching Week (TW) Lecture topic Tutorial topic Online seminar topic TW 7 Online search CW1 deadline CW2 task set Practice online search techniques Homework: explore knowledge databases TW 8 HTML Create website structure Select topic for CW2, explore free PSD website templates TW 9 CSS CSS formatting. HTML/CSS validation Practice skills on website for CW2 Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Teaching Calendar Plan Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Teaching Week (TW) Lecture topic Tutorial topic Online seminar topic TW10 Information architecture Navigation and linking pages on the website. CSS box model. Centering elements. Practice skills on website for CW2 TW 11 JS JavaScript, Document Object Model (DOM) TW 12 How to build a website. Online constructors vs. CMS vs. bespoke web development CW2 deadline JS (continuation) Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Assessment Plan Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Assessment Rationale Plan The module is assessed in a combination of ways, designed to get students to write a report and produce a spreadsheet, presentation and a web site as well as to demonstrate their knowledge and application under exam conditions. Portfolio requires students to produce a report based on a given scenario, demonstrate their ability to produce a relevant working spreadsheet, produce presentation keeping good design practices and build a website (LO1- LO7). Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov
Reading Plan 1. Doyle, S., (2008) Essential ICT for WJEC, AS level. 2. Deitel, H. et al,(2012) Internet & World Wide Web, 5th edition, UK: Pearson. Felke-Morris, T., (2014) Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3, Second Edition. . Addison-Wesley. Mott, J. et al,(2008) Information and Communication Technology for AQA AS level: with Dynamic Learning Student Edition CD-ROM. Penguin, (2009) The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop it. Sebesta, R., (2010) Programming the World Wide Web, (Six Edition), by Robert, Addison-Wesley. Wiley, J., (2010) The Internet For Dummies; 12th Edition edition Module Outline Teaching Calendar Assessment Reading Lecture 1. Introduction to Information and Web Technologies. Author: Aleksey Semyonov