Year 7 Welcome to Parent Information Evening Learn today, succeed tomorrow
Aims of the session To introduce our key commitments. Mrs E Hilton To summarise curriculum experience. Mr A Taylor To explain our Learn for Life course through Years 7 and 8. Mrs R Ball 2
Our four commitments We are committed to the safety of everyone in our community. We are committed to making school an enjoyable place to be. We are committed to providing the best learning experience for all. We are committed to relentlessly driving up standards. 3
Year 7 and 8 curriculum from September 2011 Zone Subjects Hours/week (approx) Core English Maths 3 Global Modern Languages Humanities (Hi,Gg,Rs) Learn for Life 5 4 2 Discovery Science ICT Creative Art Technologies Expression PE Music Drama 1 Total = 30 hours
Red Pathway Our range of qualifications from Year 9 Including… Art Astronomy Business Studies Citizenship Dance Drama Food Technology French Graphics Geography History Italian Law Media Studies Music P.E. Resistant Materials Religious Studies Science: BTEC, Double & Triple Award Sociology Spanish Textiles
Learn today, succeed tomorrow Dates for your Diary Learn today, succeed tomorrow October 21st Data Capture 1 February 17th Data Capture 2 June 1st Data Capture 3 June 22nd Year 7 Annual Reports June 27th Parents Consultation Evening
Presentation to Parents 2011 Learning for Life
What skills do we want our pupils to have? All teaching & learning in the new KS3 curriculum is underpinned by generic learning tools. The aim of this is that pupils will: Have skills demanded by employers Gain life skills Become independent learners
Why do we need generic learning tools? “We want all young people to be engaged with learning and to recognise the value and importance of education in their lives. Personal Learning and Thinking Skills will help you to raise standards, so that all learners can meet the challenges of life in our fast-changing world.” (QCA)
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills 6 groups of skills: Independent Enquirers Creative Thinkers Reflective Learners Team Workers Self Managers Effective Participators
Quote from an employer on open evening: “Looking at these skills a light bulb has gone on in my head. These are exactly the skills the candidates I was interviewing today should have had and didn’t. I was tearing my hair out by the end of the day. We should be teaching this when the pupils are young so they are ready for the world of employment. I think L4L will make a huge difference.”
What can you do? Encourage pupils to talk and think about how they learn not just what they learn. Encourage them to use the skills learnt in L4L in all their other subjects Encourage them to see these tools as vitally important to help them become a better learner.