Other Learning Experiences (OLE) Student Learning Profile (SLP) and Student Learning Profile (SLP) in New Senior Secondary Curriculum (NSSC) 29 June 2016 (for S4 & S5 students) KTGSS NSS – OLE / SLP
The Whole NSS Curriculum 4 Core Subjects Chinese Language English Language Mathematics Liberal Studies 2 or 3 Elective Subjects 2 or 3 subjects chosen from NSS elective subjects, or from Applied Learning and/or other language courses Other Learning Experiences Moral and Civic Education Community Service Aesthetic Development Physical Development Career-related Experiences Notes for the facilitator This, and the following five slides contain information about the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment focuses of the 334 reform. Different workshop groups will have different levels of understanding of the reform and its purposes, and this will affect how much explanation you need to provide. Pay close attention to the school reports in the introductory session of the workshop and determine which of these six slides you need to discuss with the participants. This slide shows the relationship between the reform of Basic Education in Hong Kong and the structure of the new senior secondary curriculum under 334. The slides which follow outline: the nature of the basic education reform; the 7 curriculum goals which constitute the moral purpose of our reform in Fullan’s terms; the relationship of Other (Essential) Learning Experiences to whole person development; and the guiding principles for designing school-based Other Learning Experiences.
Other Learning Experiences (suggested time allocation over 3 years) 1. Aesthetic Development 10% to 15% 2. Physical Development 3. Moral and Civic Education 4. Community Service 5. Career-related Experiences KTGSS NSS – OLE / SLP
KTGSS – OLE Curriculum Aesthetic Development OLE Lessons (Visual Art / Living Art / Music / Drama) ECA Clubs ( Art / School Band / Choir / Chinese Orchestra / Drama / Gardening / Photograph) Singing contest by SU Post-examination Activities
KTGSS – OLE Curriculum Physical Development PE Lessons Swimming Gala / Sports Day ECA Clubs ( Sports ) Sports - School Teams House activities Post-examination Activities
KTGSS – OLE Curriculum Moral and Civic Education / Community Service / Career-related Experiences Form Period Morning Assembly Moral & Civic activities Career Talk / Activities ECA Clubs ( Uniform Groups / CYC / JPC/ Social Services)
SLP Student Learning Profile To reflect a fuller picture of the students in terms of whole person development
SLP … Academic performance in school Other Learning Experiences Every student should be encouraged to build up a personal profile for recording their learning experiences during the senior secondary years. Academic performance in school Other Learning Experiences Awards / achievements Student’s ‘Self-Account’
Student Particulars
Academic Performance in School
Other Learning Experiences
Awards and Major Achievements issued by School
Student’s Self-Account
Student’s Self-Account
Student’s Self-Account 1. Self-introduction 2. A summary of what a student achieves and participates for OLE (5 components) during the senior secondary years. The most impressive learning experiences Express student’s thoughts and feelings Share ideas or comment on one another’s work 4. Goal setting Important!!!
SLP – Student’s Self Account S4 Students Now: Start the preparation of SLP (Self-Accounts) June – Aug 2017: Upload the Self-Accounts to school server Dec 2017: Amend the Self-Accounts and upload the finalized copy to school server for report printing
SLP – Student’s Self Account S5 Students Now: Start the preparation of SLP (Self-Accounts) June – Aug 2016: Upload the Self-Accounts to school server Dec 2016: Amend the Self-Accounts and upload the finalized copy to school server for report printing
User ID – Student ID Password – HKID [First Capital + 6 digits + (?)]
Login the first time – Change Password
SLP Maintenance Data Entry Self-Account
Type your Self-Account in the text box and Click the Save button
SLP – Student’s Self Account