Quiz#3 LC710 9/29/10 name____________ Q1(1pt) Given the following protein: Nt- MNTSFSMLAAYMFLLIMLGFAINEAAFLTLYVTVLNYILLNLAVADEFRVFGGFTAT LYTSLGFFATLGGEIEALHWSLDVLAIERYVVVAIMGVAFTWVMALACAAVSLSFV IYMFVVHFIDIALRIVEIFFCYGMVIIMVIADFLICWELPYAGVAFYIFTHAFFAKKR TSAVYNPVIYIMMN-Ct Circle the potential transmembrane domains. There are more than 1. _______________________________________________ Q2(1pt) Given the following Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy plot: Circle on the number line where transmembrane regions reside.
Q3(3pt) Given the following protein: MNGTEGPNFYVPFSNKTGVVRSPFEAPQYYLAEPWQFSMLAAYMFLLIML * * = STOP You want to PCR up this conserved protein from an unknown species. -Design a fully degenerate oligo to the underlined Nt amino acids and include an extra EcoR1 site (GAATTC) at the 5’ end. This is a top strand oligo. -Design a fully degenerate oligo to the underlined Ct amino acids and include an extra BamHI site (GGATCC) at the 5’ end. This is a bottom strand oligo. Write both oligos 5’ to 3’. Make sure to annotate 5’ and 3’ ends of your two oligos. Genetic Code: (1pt) Oligo 1:_______________________________ Oligo 2:_______________________________ (2pt) _____________________________________________________ Q4(1pt) Given the following Gene below: Using the following list of symbols: ATG, STOP, SD, SA, 5’UTR, 3’UTR Completely label the gene below with these symbols SD: splice donor SA: splice acceptor UTR: untranslated region KEY: 3’ 5’ ____________________________________________________ (1pt) Extra Credit: AATAAA is a polyA recognition site. Using an arrow show approximate position in gene above.