12/19 Aim: Does the Byzantine Empire Deserve credit for preserving Roman Culture? Do Now:
Byzantine Bazaar (Market Place) The Emperor Justinian Byzantine Bazaar (Market Place) While western Rome was getting pounded by barbarian invasions, East Rome (Byzantine) was getting very wealthy off of trade with the middle east and far east. Some scholars say that w/o the Byzantine, much of Roman culture and heritage would have been destroyed and forgotten! The emperor Justinian ruled during the Byzantine Empire’s golden age and made many achievements including the building of the Hagia Sophia and the preservation of Roman Law
12/4 Aim: Does the Byzantine Empire Deserve credit for preserving Roman Culture?(day 2)? Do Now: Take out your Multi-faith forum booklet and Complete the last page “Taking Steps Towards Tolerance!”
The Emperor Justinian Ruled from 527 to 565 A.D Expanded the Byzantine Empire back into western Europe, yet they were temporary. Later emperors lost control of Western territories. Created a law code based on Roman Laws called “Justinian’s Code.” Built the church of the Hagia Sophia (holy wisdom)
Hagia Sophia!
Hagia Sophia Again!
Hagia Sophia Inside!
A Byzantine Mosaic A Modern Day Mosaic
Banned praying to icons Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Highest church official Pope Patriarch Language of the Church Latin Greek Use of Icons (holy images) Prayed to icons Banned praying to icons Marriage rights of church officials Cannot marry Can marry
Early Byzantine Icons
Schism (split) over Icons (idols) (Religious Objects) Roman Catholic Church Byzantine Empire: Eastern Orthodox (Spreads to Russia (Slavs)) Western Europe: Roman Catholic
Russia Still Uses it Today! Will you turn on the light in The Cyrillic Alphabet! Russia Still Uses it Today! Пожалуйста, включите свет в комнате. Will you turn on the light in the room please???
The fall of Constantinople 1453 A.D