The alternate rise and fall of the surface of oceans, seas, etc.? A.) current B.) flood C.) tide C.) tide D.) tsunami L F
An animal that eats the remains of animals that have died? A.) scavenger A.) scavenger B.) parasite C.) herbivore D.) omnivore L F
Describes the non-living parts of the Environment? A.) biotic B.) abiotic B.) abiotic C.) animals D.) rocks L F
Describes the living parts of the environment? A.) biotic A.) biotic B.) abiotic C.) the air D.) rocks L F
C.) asteroid A chunk of rock and metal, smaller than a planet and larger than a meteoroid that orbits the sun? A.) moon B.) stars C.) asteroid C.) asteroid D.) comet L F
A region of the world that is defined by its climate and the unique plants and animals that live there? A.) desert B.) biome B.) biome C.) rain forest D.) tundra L F
The zone of planet Earth where life naturally occurs, extending from the deep crust to the lower atmosphere? A.) microsphere B.) exosphere C.) unnatural surroundings D.) biosphere D.) biosphere L F
An original model on which something is patterned ? A.) a copy B.) prototype B.) prototype C.) revised work D.) image L F
The transmission of heat, electricity or sound? A.) relativity B.) a current C.) conductivity C.) conductivity D.) psychrometer L F
A series of formal steps for conducting a test? A.) prototype B.) a plan C.) criteria D.) protocol D.) protocol L F
A continuous, directed movement of ocean water, generated by forces acting upon it? A.) wave B.) undertow C.) tide D.) ocean current D.) ocean current L F
A standard on which a judgment or decision may be based? A.) variable B.) criteria B.) criteria C.) a guess D.) possibility L F
A factor that will affect the outcome of an experiment? A.) consistent item B.) prototype C.) protocol D.) variable D.) variable L F
An instrument used to measure relative humidity? A.) barometer B.) thermometer C.) psychrometer C.) psychrometer D.) seismograph L F
An instrument used to measure humidity? A.) hygrometer A.) hygrometer B.) centrifuge C.) microscope D.) telescope L F
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