Clean Boats, Clean Waters Watercraft Inspection Program (Introduce yourself, go around the room and have folks introduce themselves if time.)
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Science Citizens Education Wisconsin’s AIS programs are supported by the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership.
(Briefly review agenda and any questions they have about the agenda (Briefly review agenda and any questions they have about the agenda. First is the AIS in WI portion. Please edit the following species profile slides in this section to only the species most pertinent to your area – more time should be spent on the WCI Efforts section.)
Wisconsin: A Gathering of Waters 11,190 square miles of water 15,081 lakes 43,000 miles of rivers and streams 5.3 million acres of wetlands 6.4 million acres of Great Lakes Estimated 1 million boats on waters each year! When you look at how many miles of water we have in this state, you realize that Wisconsin truly is a gathering of waters. The numbers to focus on here, however, are the numbers of lakes and numbers of boats – an estimated 1 million boaters are on WI waters each year!
Welcome to the Challenge! Combine those two numbers and….welcome to the challenge! Welcome to the Challenge!
What are Invasive Species? Non-native species that can “take over” Not all non-native species are invasive Successful because: No natural predators, parasites, etc. Native species can’t hide, compete, or fight back Often aggressive, prolific, and mature early Many are familiar with invasive species and the problems they cause, but want to give a little introduction to make sure that all on the same page and up to speed. Definition: Invasive species are non-native plants, animals and pathogens that may cause economic, environmental and recreational harm, or affect human health. Invasive because in native environments predators, parasites, pathogens, and competitors keep these species in check and create a balance, but in a new environment those checks and balances aren’t there. These species can out-compete native species because they are aggressive, reproduce quickly and mature early.
How do they get here? Shipping - ballast water Intentional introduction - stocking Canals - migration from the ocean Nursery industry Anglers/Bait industry Aquaculture Aquarium trade Invasive species can be introduced and moved around by a variety of activities such as: -ballast water of ocean-going ships -sport fish stocking -accidental releases associated with bait business, aquaculture industry, aquarium trade, and horticultural practices Common theme is that they are primarily moved by humans.
How do they spread? Boaters Anglers Other water users (sea planes, SCUBA, etc) Water garden & aquarium owners Natural dispersal Once in our waters and wetlands, aquatic invasive species rely on humans to spread from one water body to another. This is often accomplished by “hitching a ride” on: -boats, trailers equipment moved from one water to another -bait buckets and livewells -sea planes, SCUBA gear, personal watercraft Accidental release from aquariums and water gardens also contributes to spread Once introduced, some species can spread to adjacent waters without human help (plant seeds/fragments, fish via tributaries)
Why do we care? Economic impacts Sport and commercial fishing Tourism Water users & property owners Ecological Native fish, invertebrates, plants impacted Recreational impacts Boating Angling Aquatic invasive species cause major economic, ecological and recreational impacts. Economic impacts – The costs to control invasive species are extremely high. Invasive species have the ability to harm native sport fish populations. The Great Lakes support a $4 billion fishing industry that is threatened by current and future invasives. Tourism is one of Wisconsin’s largest industries and is dependant on Wisconsin’s lakes, streams, and natural resources that attract travelers. However, aquatic invasive species are harming these resources. Invasive plants form dense mats that make boating, fishing, and swimming difficult. Zebra mussels encrust piers, lift stations, and boats, sometimes leading to costly repairs. Individual lake organizations spend tens of thousands of dollars per year to simply manage (not eradicate) invasive plant populations. For example, in 2003, it cost Wisconsin lake organizations over $1 million to chemically treat lakes for Eurasian water-milfoil and curly-leaf pondweed. Power plants and industries spend millions of dollars combating the zebra mussels that threaten to clog their water intakes. Ecological impacts- Invasive species have the ability to change habitats and threaten the plants and animals that live in them. For example, the Rusty crayfish eats small fish, insects, and fish eggs, and feeds on aquatic vegetation, depriving native fishes of food and cover. Zebra mussels encrust the shells of our native mussels, making it difficult for them to survive. These invasive mussels also consume the tiny plants and animals that young fish rely on for food. Plants like Eurasian water-milfoil form dense mats that shade out native plant species. Wetlands overrun with purple loosestrife no longer support animals that depend on native plants for food and shelter. Recreational impacts- As mentioned previously, Invasive plants form dense mats that make boating, fishing, and swimming difficult. Zebra mussel shells that are washed up on beaches can cut the feet of unsuspecting swimmers.
Zebra Mussels Ballast water introduction to the Great Lakes in 1980’s Present in 163 waterbodies (April 2014) Attach to any hard surface - may reach tens of thousands per square meter! Are microscopic in early life stages Female can produce 1 million eggs/season Next will look at a few of the worst offenders—remember that they are only a few of the species that are causing problems in WI waters. Zebra Mussels -hardy, prolific mollusks that can clog water intakes, encrust piers and docks, and damage native mussel populations. -small filter feeders (adults 1-2 inches in size) that strain plankton from water -clarify water—seems like a good thing, but reduces food for young fish, and can lead to algae blooms -adults and larvae can be spread in water or on equipment -very costly to power utilities and municipalities (damage to water intakes)
Zebra Mussel Distribution [Insert specific numbers for county here.]
Quagga Mussels Found in all Great Lakes but Superior Ballast water introduction Can survive wide range of temp. & oxygen levels Can live directly on mud and sand Commonly found at 100 feet and deeper Quagga mussels were introduced and are transported in the same ways as zebra mussels. There is a wide range of temperatures and depths that quaggas can survive in – typically tolerate temperatures from 39 to 68 degrees. However, exceptions have been found. They attach to soft substrates, as well as hard surfaces, and can fill in the spaces left by zebra mussels. Most commonly found at 100 feet and deeper, they have been found in depths from 3 to 541 feet…and are expected to go deeper over time.
Quagga vs. Zebra Mussels More effective filter feeders Thrive at greater depth and cooler temps May out-compete ZM Zebra Quagga While it’s difficult to tell the difference between zebra and quagga mussels visually, there are some distinct differences. In addition to tolerating a wider range of temperatures and depths, quagga mussels also have rounder sides than zebra mussels. Quaggas have a convex underside, that actually curves inward, while zebra mussels have quite flat undersides. An experiment you can try to help you identify which mussel you have – try to balance the mussel on its side. If it while lay on it’s side, it’s like a zebra mussel (that has the characteristically flat underside). If the mussel keeps falling over and will not balance, it’s likely a quagga. Quagga mussels have gone from a relatively rare fine to the dominant invasive mussel in Lake Michigan. They could prove to be much more disruptive than zebra mussels because they are more effective filter feeders, and they can live and breed in colder, deeper waters. Quagga - rounder sides & convex underside ZM - triangular shape & flat underside
Eurasian Water-milfoil First found in WI in 1960s Currently found in 674 waterbodies (April 2014) Forms dense mats - interferes with water recreation Can spread from small fragments Eurasian Water-milfoil -feathery underwater aquatic plant that can form thick mats in shallow areas of lakes and rivers -crowds out native plants, interferes with recreation -can reproduce via small stem fragments, so can spread easily and over long distances -control is very expensive and eradication is virtually impossible
Eurasian Water-milfoil Distribution [Insert specific numbers for county here.]
Purple Loosestrife Linda Wilson, University of Idaho, Imported from Europe for gardens (late 1800s), also seeds in ballast water Crowds out native wetland species Spreads rapidly: >1 million seeds annually, plus vegetative spread Purple Loosestrife -invasive perennial wetland plant 3-7 feet tall with purple flower spikes -crowds out native wetland plants, reducing food and habitat for native wildlife -spreading at a rate of close to 300,000 acres per year -widely dispersed—found in all WI counties, but largest populations in southeastern part of state, Wisconsin River, and Wolf & Fox drainage systems
Purple Loosestrife Distribution Purple loosestrife is now found in every county in WI. While this map is based on older data, it still accurately represents the hot spots where purple loosestrife is found in larger numbers and where there are fewer plants present.
Rusty Crayfish Brought to WI as bait 1960’s In 527 waterbodies (April 2014) Severely reduce aquatic vegetation, impacting spawning Aggressive; compete with native crayfish and fish for cover and food ID tip: Dark, rusty spot on each side of carapace. Rusty crayfish – Introduced into WI by anglers using the crayfish as bait in the 1960s Rusty crayfish are quite well spread throughout WI – inhabits many inland streams Are extremely messy eaters. They act like mini-lawnmowers, snipping away at vegetation. As a result, are often helpful in spreading aquatic invasives plants such as Eurasian water-milfoil that spreads via fragmentation. Also have aggressive personalities. Many anglers tell stories of pulling up fishing lines with rusty crayfish attached that are full of attitude. Rustys act this way towards native crayfish and fish as well. They compete with these native species for food and cover. Fun ID tip! One way you can identify a rusty crayfish is by the dark, rust-colored spot on each side of the carapace. It looks as if someone had dark paint on their fingers and then picked up the crayfish. While most rustys will have these characteristic spots, how dark and evident the spots are will vary from crayfish to crayfish.
Rusty Crayfish Distribution [Insert specific numbers for county here.] While this map is based on older data, it still accurately represents the hot spots where purple loosestrife is found in larger numbers and where there are fewer plants present.
Curly-leaf Pondweed Accidentally introduced as aquarium plant (1880s) Chris Evans, River to River CWMA, Accidentally introduced as aquarium plant (1880s) Fairly widespread – in 538 waterbodies (April 2014) Active very early in growing season – even under ice Can form dense mats, interfering with recreation and native plants Curly-leaf pondweed - Native to Eurasia, Africa, & Australia Introduced by hobbyists as plant to use in aquariums Begins growing earlier than many other aquatic plants. New plants form under the ice in winter, making it one of the first invasive aquatic plants to emerge in spring. By getting a head start in the spring, it can outcompete other plants. Prefers soft substrates and shallow water depths Mainly spreads using burr-like winter buds called turions. Can form dense mats on surface of lake that can interfere with recreation. In mid-summer, when most other plants are growing, curly-leaf dies off. The die off can result in a loss of dissolved-oxygen and can increase nutrients that contribute to algal blooms.
Curly-leaf Pondweed Distribution [Insert specific numbers for county here.]
Spiny Waterfleas Ballast water introduction to Great Lakes in 1980s Found in 12 lakes & rivers Disrupt food chain & harm native fish Foul fishing gear—form gummy clumps Spiny Waterflea -important one to be aware of—still early enough to catch it and slow/stop spread—only found in a few inland lakes -tiny crustacean predators -disrupt food chain -not palatable to young fish—spine gets caught in gullet -collect in masses and foul fishing lines and equipment
Spiny Waterflea Distribution Lake Superior & Lake Michigan Iron County Gile Flowage Vilas County Stormy Lake Star Lake Dane County Lake Medonta Lake Monona Lake Waubesa Lake Kegonsa
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Documented in Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, & Winnebago System Can kill more than 25 fish species No danger to humans Introduced by ballast water or migrating fish - ? VHS was found in European freshwater trout dating back to the 1930s. The fish virus was diagnosed for the first time ever in Great Lakes freshwater fish in 2005. There are more than 25 fish species that it can kill, but there is no danger to humans who handle or eat a fish that has VHS. This is first time a fish has affect so many different species of fish. No one is sure how the virus arrived in WI. It may have been introduced by fish migrating from the Atlantic Coast or in the ballast water of ocean-going ships.
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Transmission: Virus shed in urine & reproductive fluids The Disease: Start shedding virus 2 days after infected Antibodies can be developed by fish Fish may or may not show clinical signs of virus Stress is important Fish infected with VHS shed the virus in their urine, milt, and ovarian fluids. Once in the water, the virus can survive for at least 14 days. Virus particles affect the gill tissue first, then move to organs and blood vessels. Fish can also be infected by VHS when they eat a fish that has the virus. Signs of virus: Pop-eye Anemia Swollen organs
Wisconsin’s AIS Program Prevent introduction and limit the spread of aquatic invasive species Our state has a strong AIS Program made up of many partners. The mission is the prevent the introduction and limit the spread of AIS, and you’ll be able to see how watercraft inspection is an integral part of this effort.
Program Goals Focus on containment Increase AIS awareness & responsible behaviors Strengthen partnerships Our AIS program has some key goals – you all are a part of achieving each of these.
AIS Program Elements Education & Outreach Watercraft Inspection Citizen Lake Monitoring Purple Loosestrife Biological Control Aquatic Invasive Species Grants Research Rules to Prevent Spread The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership has many efforts underway to prevent and control the spread of aquatic invasive species. Education & Outreach: -partnership with DNR, UW Extension, Wisconsin Association of Lakes, UW Sea Grant, and counties -working with citizens and resource professionals to teach boaters, anglers and other water users how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species -many resources and educational tools available—publications, signs, displays, presentations, etc -also working with other audiences with the potential to introduce/spread species—aquarium & pet trade, water gardeners Watercraft Inspection: we’ll talk more about this next! Citizen Lake Monitoring: Both DNR staff and volunteers monitor lakes for invasive species—staff monitor for spiny waterfleas and zebra mussel larvae. Volunteers monitor for adult zebra mussels, invasive plants, rusty crayfish and invasive snails. Data collected by volunteers are very important in tracking and mapping the spread of invasive species. AIS Grants: -Local efforts are a vital part of many of the state programs for aquatic invasives -DNR grants to local entities are a way for the state to support those local initiatives -State will cover up to 75% of cost of project Research: DNR provides a small amount of funding to the UW Madison Center for Limnology to understand movement of aquatic invasive species. Goal is being able to direct prevention and management resources efficiently. Model is based on three questions: “Can invader X reach this water body?” “If yes, can it survive and thrive there?” “If yes, will it impact native species and recreation?” Rules: We do have regulations that follow the AIS prevention steps. We’ll discuss some of those regulations coming up.
Why watercraft inspection? So why is watercraft inspection a tool for AIS prevention? This map helps to indicate how we’ve targeted efforts thus far. Blue and red dots represent where inspections have taken place since CBCW began (as reported into SWIMS). Watercraft inspections are effective in helping not only protect lakes, but contain AIS in one lake and preventing the spread to other water bodies.
same prevention methods I’ve shared a lot of information about the AIS we have here in Wisconsin. Fortunately for us, no matter what the species – curly leaf, rusty crayfish, the VHS virus, or quagga mussels – the same prevention steps are used to ensure plants, animals, and water are not being spread around from lake to lake. Paul Skawinski
AIS Prevention Message INSPECT boats, trailers, and equipment. REMOVE all attached aquatic plants and animals. DRAIN all water from boats, vehicles, and equipment. NEVER MOVE plants or live fish away from a waterbody. BUY minnows from a WI bait dealer. Use leftover minnows only under certain conditions. Here are the preventative actions everyone can take to keep from spreading AIS. (Walk through steps) New law(s) passed in 2009 that make it illegal to NOT take the AIS prevention steps listed on these slides - illegal to launch, load, or transport boat, trailer or boating equipment with aquatic plants attached or with water in livewell or equipment. Can be enforced by conservation wardens or local law enforcement officers. If watercraft inspectors see and properly document a violation, they can write a report which law enforcement personnel will follow up on.
Current AIS Regulations NR 40 Classification of invasives into two categories: Prohibited or Restricted Preventive measures required - INSPECT - REMOVE - DRAIN - NEVER MOVE These prevention steps are required by law under NR 40, which also included classification of invasives.
Current AIS Regulations (cont’d) VHS regulations All water must be drained from boats and equipment – up to 2 gal may be used for minnows. You may take leftover minnows away from any state water and use them again on that same water, or on other waters, but only if no lake or river water, or other fish were added to their container. You may not transport any live fish or fish eggs away from any state waters. We also have regulations about transport of water and live bait/fish. These are termed the VHS Regulations because they can about as a result of the arrival of the VHS virus to WI.
Break for questions; Watercraft Inspection Efforts up next.
What you really need to know about AIS… Many of your heads are probably swimming with thoughts of all the negative effect invasive species can have on our waters. The first part of this workshop focuses mostly on the bad of AIS. Really, if you only take one thing away from our discussions today, this is the most important thing to remember…. What you really need to know about AIS…
Inspectors DO make a difference! That we can and are making a difference in our efforts to protect WI lakes and prevent the spread of AIS! Inspectors DO make a difference!
How it all began… In 2003, some students in the Minocqua area noticed a plant growing on the surface of a nearby lake. Since they needed a school project, they decided to find out what this plant was and where it had come from. Their research on Eurasian water-milfoil and how it is spread motivated them to share this information with others so that other lakes could be protected. The students pinpointed the boat landings as the prime place to share their message with the people who should hear it most – boaters! The “Milfoil Masters”, as they called themselves, prepared boxes with brochures and handouts on AIS and what we can do to prevent the spread to have on hand while they stood at the boat landing. Their efforts attracted area lake group members and were popular among the boaters who were impressed with their concern for the lake. In 2004, the state of WI adopted their program, renaming Clean Boats, Clean Waters.
Clean Boats, Clean Waters Trains volunteers, citizens, and staff to conduct boater education campaigns in their communities Over 2,500 people trained since 2004 Through Clean Boats, Clean Waters, folks learn about AIS, how they are spread, and what we can do about it. Over 2,500 people have been trained since 2004.
DNR Staff Citizen Volunteers Student Interns DWD Young Adults Our inspectors come from a wide variety of groups! We have many passionate lake group members; DNR Water Guards and LTEs; student interns with UW-Sea Grant, UW-Oshkosh, and non-profit RC&Ds; and we have also partnered with the Department of Workforce Development in the past.
Recruiting Volunteers Manitowoc Co. Lakes Council Commit volunteers with: newsletters, phone call, personal visits Develop a recruiting/training packet Appoint a coordinator to schedule and organize volunteer hours Select optimum days and high use landing sites Once your group decides that they want to participate in CBCW, the next step is to recruit volunteers who are willing to be trained. There are a variety of ways to get the word out to your group members about the opportunity to inspect. However, the most effective ways always seem to be personal phone calls and face-to-face communication. You’ll need to develop some materials to use to introduce your volunteers to CBCW and encourage them to attend a training. An example of a handout you can use to give folks who are interested an idea of what inspectors do is the “Volunteer Duties” document. Someone from your group will also need to act as Coordinator for the inspectors, as they determine what days and times they are available. It’s not a time-consuming job, but it is an important role for someone who is willing to regularly communicate with the volunteers. Along with coordinating the schedule, is the decision of where and when the watercraft inspectors will be out at the landings. Consider the following – how many volunteers do you have? What landings are the busiest in the summer? What days are they busiest? (probably weekends & holidays) What times are they busiest? How will the time affect the type of boaters you will encounter? If you have only a few volunteers, then inspect the landing that is busiest during prime boating times. If you have quite a few volunteers, consider pairing them up and spreading them out among several landings. Manitowoc Co. Lakes Council
Retaining Volunteers Generous thank-you! Offer supplies T-shirt & hat Water Sun tan lotion Bug spray Publish volunteer names Advertise accomplishments Awards and certificates Celebrate! Waupaca Chain Of Lakes How to let volunteers know that they are appreciated is pretty logical – tell them THANKS! Recognizing them in various ways will help ensure that they’ll be around for next boating season.
Materials Needed CBCW T-shirt or sticker Clipboard & pencil Boat landing script Watercraft Inspection form & Check Point List Tool kit List of lakes identified with AIS Plastic bags & marker Cell phone & local contacts Camera and Violation form Here is a summary of the materials that you’ll need to have with you at the boat landing. (Encourage participants to share what they think the items are for and what else could be on the list.)
Getting Started: Inspector Duties Inform and educate boaters Perform watercraft inspections Collect and report watercraft data So what exactly is involved in doing watercraft inspections? The duties of a volunteer watercraft inspector can be broken down into three parts – educating boaters about AIS and how they are spread, assisting boaters in inspecting their boats and equipment for invasives, and collecting and reporting data about boater behaviors and awareness.
Boat Landing Message Discuss prevention steps INSPECT boats, trailers, and equipment. REMOVE all attached aquatic plants and animals. DRAIN all water from boat, vehicles, and equipment. NEVER MOVE plants or live fish away from a waterbody. Here’s the main message to share with the boaters and anglers you speak with at the landings. These prevention steps are effective in preventing the spread of all aquatic invasive species – and are therefore very valuable. Now that NR 40 has come into effect, these preventive actions are now the law. Aquatic plants and animals need to be removed before launching, after loading, and before transporting on a public highway.
Boat Landing Message Discuss the AIS preventive actions (which are now law) Perform a watercraft check – Involve boater! Offer a SAH sticker - commitment and prompt Sharing the prevention steps is the key message during inspections, but we want to be sure and involve the boater in checking their boat for AIS, too. Walking around the boat during your conversation is an efficient way to include this inspection. The data form is designed to help lead you through your discussion with the boater by providing questions and prompts - we’ll look at that in more detail next. Offering the boater a SAH brochure and sticker is a good way to end your contact with them. This way, if they have any questions later, they’ll have those items to refer to. It’s a good idea to offer any anglers the “Fishing with Bait” brochure and “WI Anglers Remember” sticker as these provide concise info on WI bait laws. These stickers can serve as visual reminders to the boaters and anglers, also, helping them remember their contact with you.
Let’s talk about the Watercraft Inspection Report form and go over how to use it step-by-step.
New Prompts Handout Resource for inspector Reminder of why steps important Leads to discussion rather than just information Local concerns addressed Diagram layout simple & easy to read Quick visual reminder for live bait We have a new handout to accompany the Watercraft Inspection Report form – the AIS Prevention Steps Prompt Handout. We heard from our inspectors that they felt bogged down in data collection and less able to have an effective conversation with boaters at the landing. So, we created this handout, as well as edited the data form, to assist the inspector in having an educational conversation about the AIS prevention steps. This handout is intended to be useful when the inspector feels like they need assistance in explaining the prevention steps. It also has blanks to allow for it to be customized with local concerns. Let’s take a look at the handout.
What local concerns do you have that can be used to help express the AIS prevention message? (discuss)
Collecting Data Determine traveling patterns of recreational users Useful data for lake planning grants, local ordinance reviews Data collection is one of the most important duties of a watercraft inspector. The data collected by our volunteers and paid inspectors allows us to better understand boater and angler behaviors – such as what prevention steps are followed most often and where do boaters get most of their information on AIS. Also, this data is tremendously important in justifying the CBCW program to legislators – it shows just how much of a difference watercraft inspectors are making in increasing boater awareness of AIS! Efforts for 2013: 114,959 boat inspections 249,027 people contacted 69,691 hours spent
Here you can see graphs of statewide collected since 2004 Here you can see graphs of statewide collected since 2004. This data is available on the DNR website and can viewed by county, region, or even landing. Really neat tool!
Handling a Violation Do your homework beforehand… Quiz time! Let’s say you arrive at the landing to begin your inspections for the day and see this sitting in the parking lot. What can you do? Answer: Nothing, until the driver of the car comes back and begins to launch the trailer back into the water to pick up the boat. Then, WI law is being violated. At that time, you can introduce yourself and let the driver know that it is against the law to enter the water with plants attached to a trailer.
Break and begin CBCW Conversational Approach Practice & Role-playing.
How to Change Boater Behavior Educational materials Prompts (decals, stickers) Personal contacts Modeling behavior Social diffusion Summary of what has been found to assist in behavior change – because that’s really what we’re going for here. Helping people get used to taking preventative measures before and after boating.
Steps for an Effective Watercraft Inspection Program Determine boat landing ownership & have up-to-date AIS signage! Maintain effective inspection hours Develop a plan to recruit, train, and retain inspectors Wear Clean Boats, Clean Waters t-shirts or stickers Develop an accurate and concise message List of effective elements that help make a watercraft inspection program successful! New boat landing signs are available to post on landings – there are sign-posting instructions and a boat landing survey that should be shared with any inspectors who are going to put up new signs. The survey needs to be completed for each new sign that is posted, and the survey information should be entered into SWIMS or sent to Christal Campbell at the DNR Madison Central Office.
Steps for an Effective Watercraft Inspection Program Know what educational materials are available and who to contact Keep and report watercraft inspection records Report any suspect specimens Encourage others! More positive steps that will assist in a successful program…
The major influence on our attitudes and behavior is not the media, but rather our contact with other people. “Fostering Sustainable Behavior” Doug McKenzie-Mohr, William Smith Leave you with some quotes, that really get at the heart of why inspections are effective. Inspectors can and do make a difference in changing boater behavior and preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species.
CBCW Resources & Gear Resources Gear Watercraft Inspection Manual Tool kit DVDs Web site: Gear T-shirts Aprons Hats Stickers
Please Contact Us! For more information contact: Erin McFarlane 715-346-4978 To order t-shirts, kits, handbooks, aprons, or hats, contact Erin. To download materials & presentations, visit our web site: [Feel free to add presenter’s information also.]
? Thank you! ? ?