Week 9 Geography Homework Day 1 Make five pictures for the “reminder” for each state capital (5 pts) Include a drawn outline of the state (5 pts) Write the postal abbreviation next to the name of the state (0n this page) (5 pts) Day 2 Outline each state with a pencil (5 pts.) Label the state with its name (5 pts) Indicate the location of the capital city with a star (5 pts) Label the capital city (5 pts) Day 3 Locate & label these other locations: (5) Four Corners; Mesa Verde National Park, CO; Tucson, AZ; Lake Powell; Pike’s Peak, CO Use colored pencils to shade each state a different color --use light pressure so the map can still be easily read (5) Day 4 Take the practice test and correct it yourself (5) Practice for test tomorrow. Idaho_____ Boise New Mexico_____ Santa Fe Arizona_____ Phoenix Colorado_____ Denver Utah_____ Salt Lake City
Week 9 Geography Homework
Write the “reminder” sentence, draw a picture of it, and draw an outline of the state. ________________________________________________________________________
Practice Test Week 9 1.__________________ 2. __________________ Write the names of the states: 1.__________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5.___________________ 1 2 3 4 5 Draw a line from the state to its capital: Idaho Utah Colorado New Mexico Arizona Santa Fe Boise Denver Phoenix Salt Lake City