Sustainable Development Goal # 4 in Jamaica Yolanda Tugwell Image courtesy of :
Jamaica and SDGs Jamaica’s Vision statement: “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.” Jamaica did the alignment of their Vision 2030 Development Plan with the SDGs with UNDP MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support) Mission in October 2016 MAPS revealed that Jamaica’s planning documents reflect a 91 percent alignment with the 115 SDG targets VISION 2030 will be the catalyst for the Roadmap for the implementation of the SDGs in alignment with the 4 National Goals: Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just Jamaica’s Economy is Prosperous Jamaica has a healthy natural environment Image Courtesy of :
Jamaica and SDGs Jamaica Library Service (JLS), the public library system recently received a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Global Initiatives Grant of US $2 million dollars and the Government of Jamaica gave US $1.1 million dollars through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information. Jamaica Library Service has been significantly transforming public libraries across the island through increased access to technology. Free access to computers, Internet and other electronic resources to enable persons to utilize a range of informational , educational and recreational resources. 2, 000 library users received basic computer and digital literacy training. 1, 063 state of the art ICT resources to be used in its 119 public libraries and over 150 wireless access points for increased wifi access. Image Courtesy of :
Conclusion Sustainable development would involve all the citizens with skills and knowledge that will help in solving the present problems and prepare for future challenges. To achieve the SDGs, education is key because it will play an important role in producing the human resources for Jamaica. Libraries will need to play an integral role in making sure that Goal #4: Quality education is realized. Image courtesy of : :
Reference Brown, K. (2017, March 27). The Jamaica Library Service embraces the use of technology in its services. Jamaica Information Service. Retrieved from: use- technology-services/
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