buyWays Invoice Enhancements May 2017 PayPaw buyWays Invoice Enhancements May 2017
What is PayPaw? PayPaw is new workflow for invoicing through buyWays. It will help streamline the Procure to Pay process, ensure payments are correct and sent to the correct supplier. Invoices will be sent to Ricoh for an imaging process that scans invoices directly into buyWays. This will save the invoice handlers from having to hunt down invoices and then manually enter the information into buyWays. These scanned invoices will hit the related workflow step for processing by the Department AP person.
Why PayPaw? In recent history, there have been multiple successful phishing attacks and security breaches at Higher Ed facilities. Clemson has also been targeted. CCIT has worked to put DUO into place to safeguard faculty, staff and student information. Procurement and Business Services is working to safeguard departmental funds and protect suppliers. The University is at risk for an indeterminate amount when orders are not issued on a purchase order. One of the purposes of the PO’s terms and conditions is to protect the University from risks and certain damage awards. Those contractual limitations are essential for the University to avoid these risks and to remain within it’s budget. To maximize the efficiency of this process and safeguard the University, everything that can go on a PO should go on a PO.
How Does PayPaw Work? All invoices will route through invoice workflow for review. Types of Invoices? System (CXML or PO Flip) Imported (OCR) Manual (only when necessary)
Department/ PI Approval Administrative Approval Department AP Steps Department/ PI Approval Administrative Approval Invoice import Non-PO Invoice Review PO Invoice Tax Review PO Invoice Match Exceptions Invoice Review Department Auto Approval Department Approval PI Approval Budget Center Review (Project Review) Purchasing Gatekeeper Procurement Director High Dollar Final Financial
Goal and Expected Outcome The goal of PayPaw is to standardize and streamline the invoice process of the Procure to Pay buyWays system while reducing the burden on administrative staff. Currently the time to process a manual invoice is over 20 days. There are over 600 addresses where invoices could be mailed on campus.
Expected Benefits Reduce manual entry Provide more accurate data Reduce the invoice processing cycle time Reduction in duplication of invoices Provides a complete audit trail for approvals Compliance with separation of duties policy .
How will Ricoh receive the invoices from suppliers? The bill-to address for the Dillard Building, will be the default address for all PO’s. Clemson Univ Accounts Payable|ATTN: (contact name) |Dillard Bldg. | 400 Klugh Ave|Clemson, SC 29634-5365 (last 4 is your dept. #) Invoices can be scanned directly to Ricoh by sending them to All MFD’s from Ricoh are pre-programmed with this email for ease of invoice scanning. How long will it take Ricoh to get my invoices into buyWays? Invoice data and images will be uploaded to buyWays within two business days of receipt, excluding weekends and Clemson’s holiday schedule.
How will I know there is an invoice I need to process? The workflow in buyWays is set up to route invoices based on department number. We worked with each business officer to identify the invoice handlers responsible for each department’s invoices. You will receive a buyWays email notification and/or in-system notification when there is an invoice in your queue.
What do I do when there is an invoice in my queue? Assign the invoice to yourself Open the invoice Review the “Top 7” Make Changes/Updates Review Approvals tab Complete an Action Approve/complete step Reject/Cancel
MATCHED MIS-MATCHED buyWays Matching buyWays uses a 3-Way match process The PO, Receipt and Invoice must match MATCHED MIS-MATCHED
“TOP 7” Items to Always Check Supplier Name Lines Connected to PO Delivery County Quantity and Dollar Amounts Tax Receipt Contract # and/or Exemption # if applicable .
Strategies for Successful Procure to Pay : Issue a PO FIRST Enter quantities and unit prices correctly to start with. Always add a contract # when applicable. Justify R&D when applicable. Items are either taxable or they are not. Do not enter 0% tax. Pay attention to the matching tab. Do not approve something to just get it out of your queue.
Questions? Contact Us: Deb Hall: Penni Douglas: Allison Patton:
PayPaw Invoice Scenarios