Ravalli County Air Quality Lea Jordan, MS, RS Ravalli County Environmental Health
The Public Health Perspective Define Environmental Health Concerns Regarding Smoke From Biomass Burning Health Effects of Biomass Smoke Ravalli County Air Quality Status Options for Ravalli County Utilizing Visibility Guidelines
Environmental Health Specialists Conduct research or performs investigations for the purpose of identifying, diminishing, and/or eliminating sources of pollutants and hazards that affect either the environment or the health of the population. Collect, synthesize, study, report and take action based on data derived from measurements or observations of air, food, soil, water, and other sources.
Environmental Health Specialists Involved in research, administration, environmental protection, and resource management Water resources (surface and ground) Air Quality Industrial hygiene Environmental Management Land Use Planning Public Health Inspections
Requirements Bachelor's degree in environmental health or equivalent from an accredited college or university 30 quarter hours or 20 semester hours in the physical and biological health sciences with specific courses in biology, chemistry and microbiology Enter “in training status” Take National Exam Continuing education required to maintain license
Air Quality and Biomass Burning What is biomass? Under what conditions does biomass burn? What are the pros and cons of biomass burning? Who are the players?
Smoke From Biomass Burning Ideal Combustion vs. reality Criteria Pollutants Other Concerns
Define Combustion “a chemical change in which oxygen reacts with another substance, often producing energy in the form of heat and light”
Ideal Combustion
Fuel + Oxygen + heat Carbon Dioxide + Water Ideal Combustion Fuel + Oxygen + heat Carbon Dioxide + Water C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
Actual Products of Combustion Water Vapor (H2O) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbon Monoxide (CO)* Particulate Matter (PM)* Nitrogen Oxide (NOX)* Ozone* Lead* Sulfur Dioxide* *EPA Criteria Pollutants
Criteria Pollutants The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards Harmful to health, environment, property
Other Pollutants in Smoke Hydrocarbons Air Toxics Acrolein Benzene Formaldehyde Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Biggest Concerns for Biomass Smoke Particulate Matter (PM)* Carbon Monoxide (CO) *Ravalli County Monitoring
Public Health “Incidence, prevalence and severity of diseases in communities or populations and the factors that account for them.” -EPA Communities are geographic location, or a certain segment of population Elderly Children Public Health focuses on populations, not necessarily individuals
Health Effects of Biomass Smoke Common symptoms of PM exposure: increased respiratory symptoms irritation of the airways, coughing, or difficulty breathing decreased lung function aggravated asthma chronic bronchitis irregular heartbeat nonfatal heart attacks premature death in people with heart or lung disease
WHAT IS PARTICULATE MATTER? Hair cross section (70 mm) PM2.5 (2.5 µm) PM10 (10µm) Human Hair (70 µm diameter)
The Body’s Defense against Particulate Matter > 10 microns: nasal passages 5 microns: trachea, bronchi <2 microns: bronchioles <1 micron: aveoli
National Ambient Air Quality Standards Primary: protect human health - including ‘sensitive’ populations with health issues, such as children and senior citizens Secondary: Secondary Standards protect public welfare (e.g. crops, buildings, visibility)
NAAQS for PM2.5 24-hour PM2.5 standard = 35 µg/m3 Annual PM2.5 standard = 15 µg/m3
PM2.5 Air Pollution Sources
Air Monitoring in Ravalli County PM 2.5 Chemical Mass Balance in 2006-2007 Year Round Sampling
9 February 2004 Hamilton FRM [PM2.5] = 4.1µg/m3 16 January 2004 Hamilton FRM [PM2.5] = 45.5µg/m3
Where Are We Now? Governor has submitted letter 2007 data still to be analyzed 12/18/08: EPA makes final NAA decisions 4/27/10: Effective date for NAA designations 4/27/13: NAA cleanup plans due to EPA
Where Do We Go From Here? 1st Chemical Mass Balance Study from UM:
Choices Local Program State Program EPA Program If no attainment = federal funding cut to county
Advantages of a Local Program Community Involvement in Program Development Voluntary vs. Regulatory (take it slow) We define areas within NAA We have control Disadvantages: Cost Enforcement
Disadvantages of Outside Program Little input on program Subject to fees and regulations set by outside agency
Where Can We Start? Woodstove Upgrades Burning Educational Campaign Grants/loans/programs Burning Educational Campaign How to burn efficiently in stoves Hot Do not let smolder Use efficient stove WHEN to outdoor burn State Law: NO OUTDOOR BURNING DEC-FEB Outdoor Burning What CAN legally be burned outdoors Only woody debris from yard No paper, cardboard, treated wood
Conclusion Air Quality is OUR Dilemma National Air Quality Standards are designed to protect the most sensitive of populations