1. Tuhan Tama dot riniba. Sianay okoy no. Potumbongono no dagay 1. Tuhan Tama dot riniba Sianay okoy no Potumbongono no dagay Itit tongo ginawo ya Mongorumat dikaw. 5 B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
2. Peenongo okoy do'alo. I kinoruangan nu. It tad minaya-i dikaw 2. Peenongo okoy do'alo I kinoruangan nu It tad minaya-i dikaw Dot waro kemaya'an yo Om aso bobongut. B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
3. Sid ra'at dot aso tuni,. Sid sokid toyongow. Sino no it Tuhan Yesus 3. Sid ra'at dot aso tuni, Sid sokid toyongow Sino no it Tuhan Yesus Dot mintaduwa sid Tama It kikowosian. B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
4. Tonuso kosusa'an ya. Om korosiyan ya. Mangay okoy no sili'o 4. Tonuso kosusa'an ya Om korosiyan ya Mangay okoy no sili'o Pembulay kotoluadan nu Banar-ko awasi. B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
5. Iri nogi kopurimon. Okoy dit kuasa nu. Pataako no sid dagay 5. Iri nogi kopurimon Okoy dit kuasa nu Pataako no sid dagay Pongitungan toborisi Mongorumat dikaw. B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
6. Sid gampa bumi om tapuy. Aso Tuhan siri. Sid sarup tologod aso: 6. Sid gampa bumi om tapuy Aso Tuhan siri. Sid sarup tologod aso: Keleelo siri i Tuhan Muuburung no siri. B25 Tuhan Tama do Riniba
1. Tuhan bapa manusia,. Ampunkan-lah kami. B'rikan kami hati benar 1. Tuhan bapa manusia, Ampunkan-lah kami B'rikan kami hati benar Yang lebih suci layani, Lebih takut puji 5 B25M Tuhan Bapa Manusia
2. Percaya, s'perti murid mu. Yang dulu dengarkan 2. Percaya, s'perti murid mu Yang dulu dengarkan Panggilan berahmat Yesus, Biarlah kami bangun t'rus, Mengikuti Tuhan B25M Tuhan Bapa Manusia
3. Danau itu bersentosa,. Gunung juga tenang. Di mana Yesus berdoa 3. Danau itu bersentosa, Gunung juga tenang Di mana Yesus berdoa Dengan Allah bapa-nya, Dalam pengasihan B25M Tuhan Bapa Manusia
4. Jadikanlah kami tenang,. Hingga kuatir lenyap 4. Jadikanlah kami tenang, Hingga kuatir lenyap Tuhan, ambil kesusahan, Dan hidup kami tunjukkan, Sentosa mu indah B25M Tuhan Bapa Manusia
5. Dalam kerinduan kami,. B'ri sejaht'ra Tuhan. Biar diam nafsu kami, 5. Dalam kerinduan kami, B'ri sejaht'ra Tuhan Biar diam nafsu kami, Dalam angin, gempa, api, Suara kecil tenang B25M Tuhan Bapa Manusia
B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 1. Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish ways; Reclothe us in our rightful mind, In purer lives thy service find, In deeper reverence, praise. B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 2. In simple trust like theirs who heard, Beside the Syrian sea, The gracious calling of the Lord, Let us, like them, without a word, Rise up and follow thee. B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 3. O sabbath rest by Galilee, O calm of hills above, Where Jesus knelt to share with thee The silence of eternity, Interpreted by love! B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 4. Drop thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of thy peace. B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 5. Breathe through the heats of our desire Thy coolness and thy balm; Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still, small voice of calm. B25E Dear Lord and Father of Mankind