Comparison of Art 1 A.D.- 1600 A.D. Roman Art, Medieval Art, Renaissance Art
Assignment List the Characteristics of the Art from each of the following groups: Roman Art, Medieval Art, Renaissance Art. Be prepared to compare these pieces of art based on realism, 3-dimensionalism, subject matter among other characteristics.
Portrait of a Bearded Man Roman Art Portrait of a Bearded Man About 100 A.D.
Portrait of a Boy About 100 A.D.
Gravestone About 150 A.D.
Portrait of the Emperor Constantine About 300 A.D.
Plaque Showing the Pentecost Medieval Art Plaque Showing the Pentecost Belgium about 1150 A.D.
Central Plaque of the Cross France about 1150
Agony in the Garden and the Betrayal of Christ England about 1270 A.D.
The Flagellation (of Christ) Italy about 1300
The Last Supper - da Vinci Renaissance Art The Last Supper - da Vinci 1498
Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints Raphael 1504
The Harvesters Pieter Breugel 1565
Christ Carrying the Cross El Greco 1580
Young Woman with Water Pitcher Jan Van Eyck 1660