Camelot -”ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” -special focus on American culture -Jackie Kennedy fashion -The Best and the Brightest -feelings of hope and prosperity
Camelot -”ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” -special focus on American culture -Jackie Kennedy fashion -The Best and the Brightest -feelings of hope and prosperity
Camelot -”ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” -special focus on American culture -Jackie Kennedy fashion -The Best and the Brightest -feelings of hope and prosperity
New Frontier -name of Kennedy’s legislative program -medical care for the poor, urban renewal, education -Congress resisted his programs like Truman’s -Kennedy took very few political risks lacked a voter’s mandate did very little for poverty or civil rights in first years
New Frontier -deficit spending to boost economy -increased defense spending -Peace Corp created, 1961 volunteer program to help poverty stricken nations -Alliance for Progress- program designed to give aid to poverty stricken Latin American nations -1963 saw a new Kennedy that pushed for civil rights, end to poverty, lower taxes
Race to the Moon -Sputnik satellite started space race in 1957 -1961 USSR sends first man to space -Kennedy challenges national leaders to get us to the moon -creation of NASA Alan Shepard-first in space John Glenn -first to orbit -program had several setbacks -goal of the moon reached July, 1969 Neil Armstrong- first on the moon
Race to the Moon -Sputnik satellite started space race in 1957 -1961 USSR sends first man to space -Kennedy challenges national leaders to get us to the moon -creation of NASA Alan Shepard-first in space John Glenn -first to orbit -program had several setbacks -goal of the moon reached July, 1969 Neil Armstrong- first on the moon
Race to the Moon -Sputnik satellite started space race in 1957 -1961 USSR sends first man to space -Kennedy challenges national leaders to get us to the moon -creation of NASA Alan Shepard-first in space John Glenn -first to orbit -program had several setbacks -goal of the moon reached July, 1969 Neil Armstrong- first on the moon
Race to the Moon -Sputnik satellite started space race in 1957 -1961 USSR sends first man to space -Kennedy challenges national leaders to get us to the moon -creation of NASA Alan Shepard-first in space John Glenn -first to orbit -program had several setbacks -goal of the moon reached July, 1969 Neil Armstrong- first on the moon
Race to the Moon -Sputnik satellite started space race in 1957 -1961 USSR sends first man to space -Kennedy challenges national leaders to get us to the moon -creation of NASA Alan Shepard-first in space John Glenn -first to orbit -program had several setbacks -goal of the moon reached July, 1969 Neil Armstrong- first on the moon
Tragedy -Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas -Kennedy assassinated while riding in a parade -Texas School Book Depository -Lyndon B. Johnson became president -Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for the crime rifle with fingerprints shady past -Jack Ruby kills Oswald just days after his arrest for Kennedy’s assassination
Tragedy -Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas -Kennedy assassinated while riding in a parade -Texas School Book Depository -Lyndon B. Johnson became president -Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for the crime rifle with fingerprints shady past -Jack Ruby kills Oswald just days after his arrest for Kennedy’s assassination
Tragedy -Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas -Kennedy assassinated while riding in a parade -Texas School Book Depository -Lyndon B. Johnson became president -Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for the crime rifle with fingerprints shady past -Jack Ruby kills Oswald just days after his arrest for Kennedy’s assassination
Tragedy -Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas -Kennedy assassinated while riding in a parade -Texas School Book Depository -Lyndon B. Johnson became president -Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for the crime rifle with fingerprints shady past -Jack Ruby kills Oswald just days after his arrest for Kennedy’s assassination
Tragedy -Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas -Kennedy assassinated while riding in a parade -Texas School Book Depository -Lyndon B. Johnson became president -Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for the crime rifle with fingerprints shady past -Jack Ruby kills Oswald just days after his arrest for Kennedy’s assassination
Unanswered Questions -Conspiracy theories lone assassin magic bullet theory Grassy Knoll -Warren Commission investigated the event and pronounced Oswald the lone assassin -later Congressional investigation suggested other involvement by unknowns