Configuring Cluster Communications Cluster service can run with one network card, but to eliminate the network card as a single point of failure, two networks are recommended.
The final step in the installation process is to set up the cluster communications. You identified how the nodes will communicate with each other and with clients during pre-installation planning. Your choices are public, private, and mixed networks. The Configure Cluster Networks page reminds you that using a single network for private communications allows for a single point of failure. Whenever possible, use more than one network for node-to-node communications and another network for client-to-node communications. Click Next to start the scan of network adapters.
You will need to configure each of the network adapters on each node You will need to configure each of the network adapters on each node. The Network Connections page displays the network adapters on the node one at a time, starting with the first network adapter that is detected. For a node with three network adapters, this page will appear three times during Cluster service installation. You must enter a network name and select one of the configuration settings for each network adapter.
Network Name The network name is a description that you give to the network adapter and is used as a label to identify the type of network communications to which the adapter is connected. For example, if the network adapter is connected to a private network that is used only by the nodes to communicate, the entry for Network name could be Cluster Net, or Private cluster connection.
Enable for Cluster Use The Enable the network for cluster use check box is selected by default. It allows Cluster service to use the network adapter. Disable this option for an adapter that is used for a dedicated networking task, such as a Web site. Cluster service will not be able to use this adapter if this check box is cleared. When you accept the enable default for a network adapter, you will next assign that adapter a communications role according to your cluster communications plan. You have three choices.
Client access only You select Client access only to use a network adapter for communication between the cluster and the clients. No node-to-node communication will take place by means of this network adapter. The Client access only option is for the public network.
Internal cluster communications only You select Internal cluster communications only to use a network adapter for node-to-node communication. No client communication will take place by means of this network adapter. The Internal cluster communication option is for the private network.
All communications or mixed network You select All communications only to use a network adapter for a mixed network. You will use the adapter for both node-to-node communication and for communication with clients. This option is selected by default. Note: If a node only has a single network adapter, a page will appear that recommends that you use multiple network adapters with Cluster service to avoid a single point of failure with one network adapter.
Network Priority When you have configured all of the networks, a new page will prompt you to establish a network priority for private cluster communication networks. This list configures the order in which the networks available for private cluster communications fail over in the event of a network failure. The dedicated private network should be at the top of the list of all of the available networks that you can use for private communication. This list includes any network that is configured either for private network communications or mixed communications. A network that you have configured for public communications will not appear on this list because you cannot use a public network for private cluster communications. When you complete this page, the wizard will finish the installation and start Cluster service.