Education Access Plans Keturah Whitford
Legal basis The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) requires education institutions to make reasonable adjustments to allow students with a disability to participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Education Access Plans are a product of the Disability Standards for Education. Education Access Plans are documents produced by an educational institution that outline recommended reasonable adjustments for a student in relation to their study. At ANU students can register with the Access and Inclusion Office.
Access and Inclusion Office At ANU students can register with the Access and Inclusion Office. Student submit supporting medical and other documentation to Access and Inclusion on a confidential basis. Access and Inclusion recommend reasonable adjustments which are included in the EAP. The EAP will not specify the disability and you should not ask. Student may volunteer this information.
Typical reasonable adjustments Many of the typical reasonable adjustments are things we are usually doing anyway: Class material to be made available on WATTLE e.g. handouts/overheads/ Power Point • Provide lecture material prior to the lecture, via Wattle or email eg. power point presentation, lecture notes • Record lecture – contact A&I if lecture cannot be recorded.
Alternative Exam arrangements These are all arranged between Access and Inclusion and exams You do not need to do anything Students may be given rest breaks or extra writing time or a separate room depending on the issue.
Course/tutorial adjustments A common adjustment is that the student may require extensions on due dates for assignments etc Usually the student has to apply for the extension but may refer to the EAP rather than supply a new medical certificate What is a reasonable extension? If in doubt discuss with DDE or Director of Students and Learning
Course/tutorial adjustments Occasionally the EAP may make a provision similar to this: Alternative method of assessment may be required for group work/oral presentations : student to negotiate with lecturer as needed. How can you adjust those type of requirements?
Should I contact the student if I get an EAP? This is the advice in the EAP: The student has been issued with the plan and has been encouraged to discuss it with relevant course convenors and lecturers. A copy of the Plan will be kept at Access and Inclusion. Students may feel uncomfortable approaching lecturers to discuss their EAP. If the student has not made contact, the academics concerned are strongly encouraged to make contact with the student to discuss the EAP. Good practice could include asking every student with an EAP to come and see them during their office hours.
ANUSA survey ANUSA undertook a survey and focus groups last year and produced a report. Students reported positive and negative experiences with course convenors in relation to their EAPs. There seems to be an inconsistency of approach, particularly between Colleges but even between course convenors in the one College. Recommendations include a clarification of responsibilities re EAPS in ANU policy and further study.